The Israeli government has just published its plan for fighting antisemitism online.
The Ministry of Strategic Affairs and @IsraelDiaspora released a report defining the government response against social media platforms teeming with incitement, fake news, and conspiracy theories
Israel is asking social media companies to:
1️⃣ Implement @TheIHRA definition of antisemitism, on which there's growing international consensus.
In order to fight hate speech directed at Jews, we need to use its definition. #DefineItToFightIt
2️⃣ Social media companies like #Twitter, #Facebook, #TikTok etc should label or flag problematic tweets & posts, or provide users with reliable information. Like @Facebook is doing by referring to for Holocaust education.
3️⃣ Increasing real-time monitoring and enforcement of community standards in languages where antisemitic hate speech is more prevalent is crucial.
4️⃣ The accounts of those convicted of antisemitic hate speech should be SUSPENDED, especially public figures like @khamenei_ir. Convicted hate speech offenders should not be allowed to use their platform.
Also, algorithms should be adapted to slow down the virality of hate speech
5️⃣ In order to enforce their hate speech policies properly, social media companies should oversee the training of content moderators on antisemitic hate speech by independent organizations, with transparency regarding their training.
6️⃣ Some of the hate speech waves seen online are in fact coordinated smear campaigns, making use of either bots or (human) online trolls. Monitoring of such organized inauthentic behavior is crucial because it would: 1) Expose the perpetrators 2) Remove the content they've posted
7️⃣ Nazi memorabilia should not be available on e-commerce platforms like @amazon or @AliExpress_EN, PERIOD. We feel like we don't need to explain this one.
8️⃣ Transparency. Data about hate speech online of any kind should be made public! This could help minority groups to protect themselves from potential "real-world" violence.
These recommendations are the first steps needed to shape a better future, without of hate speech, for everyone!
We hope @Twitter, @Facebook, @tiktok_us, @Google, and others act to adopt them.🙏
A gov’t report exposes the connections between designated terror organizations & the BDS campaign. #Hamas and PACBI (cultural arm of BDS) co-led the boycott campaign against Eurovision.
A gov’t report exposes that Samidoun, posing itself as a prisoners rights NGO, has a wide network of ties with the #PFLP terror group and other convicted terrorists.
A gov’t report exposes the connections between Addameer and the #PFLP whose leaders founded & continues to maintain significant ties with the terror group, posing as a Palestinian rights NGO.