A fierce case of FOMO is fuelling one of Brisbane’s biggest housing booms in years with open-home inspections looking more like a scene from The Hunger Games as desperate buyers treat dwindling stock like languishing loo paper. domain.com.au/news/brisbane-…
An explosive year of growth has spurred property prices on the Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast to new record heights, with a wafer-thin slice of beachfront paradise now fetching millions.
1/ Howard Mark's Oaktree on the attractiveness of real estate debt:
"Oaktree's broad range of credit strategies affords us a unique vantage point from which to compare the relative value, and we believe that private real estate credit presents an attractive proposition."
2/ "BB-rated corporate bonds are trading at around 4.5% yield-to-worst, and B-rated bonds are in the 4-6% range. Publicly traded CMBS are faring slightly better, with single-asset single-borrower B-rated bonds trading in the 6-7% yield-to-worst context."
3/ "Compare those with private real estate loans, which are anticipated to be performing throughout their term and are regularly pricing in the 5-8% range for first mortgages and the 9-12% range for more junior positions in the capital structure."
Should inheritance tax be increased meaningfully to battle inequality and wealth/capital hoarding?
"Inheritance tax dates back to the Roman Empire, which collected 5 percent of inherited property in order to pay soldiers’ pensions. Today, the practice is widespread."
“Relatively high level [of inheritance] is a sign of the continent’s low social mobility, keeping education, income and social connections from evolving over generations.”
European old money is at least one of the causes for lack of opportunities and below average growth rates.