31.98/ #Parsha thought: is there any two parshiyot where there's a more jarring transition in topic and tone than between #Mishpatim and #Terumah? The whole Torah changes, even. From a set of stories and comprehensible laws to: Architecture! Gold weirdness!
31.99/ Just found out that Dr. Meir Tamari z'l passed away Jan 20, 2021. Just so many leaders in Modern Orthodoxy are being lost this past year.
31.100/ What I appreciate about this story - aside from the mind-blowing concept we'd finally have a woman run such a major combat command - is that DOD knew as a clear fact Trump (ym'sh) would of course destroy careers to maintain white male supremacy nytimes.com/2021/02/17/us/…
31.101/ The Andrew Cuomo scandals remind me how Democratic elected officials in very blue-states & cities may not really be liberal. They need D in their title to get elected and so they learn to mouth the words but they can govern as badly as any Republican (cf Tulsi Gabbard)
31.102/ My first exposure to British election insanity came from Monty Python (as seen here: ) not realizing that the parody was not entirely far from the reality as this 1984 BBC clip shows
31.103/ Halakha reminder abt. Zakhor & what to do if you can't hear it from a Sefer Torah & minyan:
a) Read it at home from a chumash ph.yhb.org.il/en/05-14-06/
b) and/or wait for Shabbat Ki Teitzei
c) Note, if it's too dangerous for shul & you can't do 1 or 2, you're likely patur
31.104/ OK, some #parsha griping. It's an error to permanently associate a specific parsha with a common Mo'ed (holiday or other significant time of year). So many divrei Torah for Zakhor are bonded to Tetzaveh. Except (a) it's Vayikra in a leap year & (b) This year it's Terumah!
31.105/ It's a bit antiquated that we have politicians swear an oath when the entire GOP - in their vendetta against democracy, diversity & the Constitution - has demonstrated they have no concern in violating oaths or have any honor to actually protect. It's a flaw in the system
31.106a/ I wish I had more time to paste to twitter the Dvar Torah I developed last year about the real meaning of the "Tachash" skins in the Mishkan but there's no time. And I can always give it for Vayakhel.
Conclusion: The tachash is the same cow that Adam HaRishon brought, which means the outward appearance of the mishkan is that of the very first korban (sacrifice)
31.107/ As it is, it's time to finish preparation for Shabbas. So #ShabbatShalom everyone. Sending brachot to all those in distress, especially those poor people in Texas.
2/ First, re: those who in their wayward moral obtuseness feel we "can't speak ill of the dead." I've said that this is what abuse enablers say, but I hear that some religious traditions preach this. Oy.
So there's this:
31.52b/ This is a continuation of the week 31 (Feb. 13-19) thread which is getting too big for stable threading. This is an experiment for this week: to split a thread when it gets to 50 or so.
31.02/ I have too much to say post-Impeachment but Goldman's thread helped me understand the sound trial attorney thinking behind not calling witnesses. Yet therein lies their error: Impeachment is a political process not legal. It was bad politics IMO.
31.03/ So many topics over the past 2 wks that've blooped by me because I was sick, so I guess I'll run thru a few of them. Superbowl: Brady can't be the GOAT b/c he's been repeatedly caught cheating. The biggest story, to me, is why his crimes have been normalized & lauded.
30.02/ Generally, when there's a debate in American culture to make something that's against halakha legal, I'll davka support its legality b/c (a) more freedom means I'll get to practice my own religion freely & (b) ironically, mitzvah points are given for free willed restraint
1/ Another #Beshalach thread, sparked by the linked article. What do combat exoskeletons have to do with the parsha? The halakhot of cybernetics on Shabbat, of course.
OK, so that's still pretty unclear. It has to do with the manna.
2/ Can you do melacha using invisible brain power, basically. Normally, I'd love to delve into how the regnant rabbinic view about gramma (causality) drives me utterly bonkers in its #Literalist mentality, as well as the limited 19th Century view of electricity, but not this week
3/ Cybernetics aka invisible brain power applies to the manna b/c:
"Rav Avraham Walkin ... argued that someone who miraculously cooks through thought or speech violates a biblical prohibition ... [he] proves this from the man (manna) that the Jews ate in the Desert"
1/ Were the Trump (ym'sh) supporters I know always cruel/evil/crazy? IMO, no, and I'd even say to suggest they were has shades of essentialism, an almost biological view of character. Or even physics: that there's potential evil and when it's expressed, it's kinetic evil.
2/ As expected, I see things behaviorally and culturally: they weren't this bad beforehand because:
(a) society kept them in check; Trump (ym'sh) as head of the nation & culture gave permission for previously taboo acts and with the guardrails removed, their impulses went wild.
3/ And (b) as their permission structure/cultural model became threatened, the subconscious recognition that social stigma was about to come crashing down made them more desperate and crazed.
They act and acted like addicts about to lose their fix.