Can you imagine having to apply and pay $900 for a certification of your medical degree every year if you don't match? and taking an English proficiency test (OET) every 2 years? Well that's exactly what is occurring right now under the latest update of the @ECFMG_IMG . 1/6
ECFMG certification is how international medical graduates validate their medical degrees in the USA, to apply for the match. In order to acquire it we need to take Step1, Step2 and Step2 CS. Since the latter was removed, the @ECFMG_IMG needs to find new ways to certify us. 2/6
The new update from the @ECFMG_IMG states that the certification will be valid for one year and be permanent only after "successfully completes the first year of ACGME-accredited training", meaning if you don't match you would have to apply for certification with fees >$900.3/6
This is extremely problematic since the matching rate of IMG is low (<50%), hence many work in research for years unitll the next match season, which was easier since he/she already has its ECFMG certificate approved and unexpired. 3/6
The matching rate overall of IMG is low, meaning many IMG that match do so after having applied 2 or more times to the match. this would signify a huge burden economically to apply each year for a certificate and every 2 years for an English test (OET). 5/6
IMG contribute to the USA healthcare system immensely, and as such the @ECFMG_IMG should provide us with a solution for a permanent certification. 6/6 #ECFMGpermanent