@stonesister7@FerretScot I agree, that is one to watch and to be alert to its' motivations and agenda.
@stonesister7@FerretScot I have sensed the undercurrent in devolution and especially 'reserved matters' or more specifically, the current day reinterpretation of these to suit an agenda other than what we are accustomed to, in a democracy.
UK is NOT a country but a union of four nations/province; each having distinctive histories, cultures and needs.
@stonesister7@FerretScot I don't know if you agree, but the deployment of the union flag currently serves to impose the will of a mutated England over that of the other nations/province, overriding their distinctive heritages in the process.
@stonesister7@FerretScot "Professor Michael Keating, the chair of Scottish politics at the University of Aberdeen, told BBC Radio Scotland's The Sunday Show that the idea of Unionism is being made into one overarching idea of British Unionism, which never existed before devolution."
@stonesister7@FerretScot "He noted that ideas of Unionism in Scotland and Northern Ireland were different to each other and before devolution these were given a great deal of recognition."
It seems that NI is being manipulated at this time to serve needs of others, according to an undisclosed agenda.
@stonesister7@FerretScot "He said: "From 1999 the Unionist parties conceded devolution, but on the other hand they seem to have lost that sense of the Union being different things."
@stonesister7@FerretScot "Now that the Union is under pressure, they are trying to reinvent Unionism as something it never really was, namely a single thing right across all the nations of the United Kingdom and they just don’t fit together."
@stonesister7@FerretScot "These Unions are very different things because these Unions are very different in nature so it’s becoming rather forced. Unionism then - rather than being an umbrella within which these various national identities could co-exist and co-operate - "
@stonesister7@FerretScot "- has become a bit of a national identity itself with all this stuff about the Britishness debate and British values.""
But Brexiter ideology is NOT British and does not represent 'British' values and beliefs.
Brexit Britain is NOT Britain!!
@stonesister7@FerretScot Tories have never articulated the agenda they pursue for Brexit - because they know UK citizens would never accept it.
Agreements to enter into union with England were actioned pre-Brexit and must now be reviewed and assessed by Scotland, Wales and NI.
@stonesister7@FerretScot Brexit is English Tory by definition and arrogantly presumes subservient agreement from Scotland, Wales and NI, without requesting the consent of these nations/province.
@stonesister7@FerretScot "Keating thinks that a conversation needs to be had around "rethinking Westminster sovereignty" where the central UK Government respects the decisions of devolved governments and not intervene in devolved matters."
@stonesister7@FerretScot Independent Scotland could freely enter unions deemed to be mutually beneficial to Scotland but it would be the choice of Scots and not the will of others, imposed on Scotland resulting in exploitation of Scotland's people and resources, to the detriment of Scottish heritage.
"GARY Kelly is a well-known stalwart of the Scottish independence movement, but he is a fair-minded sort of guy who wants England to have indy too."
"He applied to the people who run the Petitions website for the Westminster Parliament – you know, the one that promises “consideration for debate” in Parliament if you get 100,000 signatures – mischievously asking them to host a petition calling for “Independence for England”
"...so that our neighbours did not need to keep subsidising Scotland and the rest of the UK."
"Not for the first time, the Tories have been accused of proposing new laws which strongly resemble fascism."
"Meanwhile, all of this is coming from a government which appears to be simultaneously seeking to dictate how Britain’s history is told."
"Jason Stanley, a philosophy professor at Yale University, succinctly summed up his thoughts on the current state of affairs by highlighting two short passages of his book, How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them."
“Here’s what’s happening in the UK right now,” he wrote on Twitter, showing two graphics highlighting key aspects of fascism.
"Alex Cole-Hamilton, a Liberal Democrat MSP, highlighted the worrying fact it is easier to deliver takeaway menus in Scotland than campaign leaflets."
"Takeaway leaflets"!
That explains the @scotlibdems philosophy - 'take it or leave it'!
Many prefer the latter choice!
He wrote in the Edinburgh Evening News: “I’ve no problem with an election in the spring. I relish the idea of putting forward a positive alternative to the SNP.
Sorry, but loads of relish does not make the 'takeaway' any more palatable!! 😝
“I’m concerned that we cannot ask the public to render a judgement on who they wish to serve them in Parliament, if the only voice they hear in that campaign is that of the First Minister from her lunchtime briefings.”
Scots HAVE chosen @theSNP as their elected government!
"Speaking on RTÉ's Morning Ireland, Mr Martin said: "We need to dial down the rhetoric on both sides.""
"He added that people need to bear in mind that it is only about six weeks since the Brexit deal was agreed."
"I would say in the context of the island of Ireland and Northern Ireland and we all need to cool it down because I think that the debate around protocol got to too high a level, and tensions were rising unnecessarily."
"Scotland's Constitution Secretary Mike Russell said the new law will mean, on devolved matters, Scottish law can keep in line with those in Europe "when appropriate and practicable to do so"."
"The SNP politician also said the new law will make it much easier for Scotland to rejoin the EU if the country gained independence from the UK."
"Express.co.uk readers have reacted furiously to the news, as they claim SNP was wasting resources when it should have been focusing on the coronavirus pandemic and the needs of Scottish people."
#Express at it again - Telling readers how they should think & feel!