(3) After yesterday's hearing, Biden followed up with an announcement that he'll move to appoint three Democrats to fill vacancies on the USPS board of governors. This would give Dems the majority on the board.
(5) If we can get all three nominees onto the board without too much fuss, then we can fire DeJoy, right? Yeah, not so fast. One of the Dems on that board is actually a DINO and he's part of the problem.
(6) Meet Donald Lee Moak. Supposedly a "democrat," who has unequivocally supported DeJoy throughout his tenure even as the USPS was thrown under the bus as a weapon for GOP voter suppression.
Appointed by Trump, Moak runs a DC consulting company.
(7) A cursory dig into the Moak Group finds employees have gone on to serve in the Trump White House, including Stefan C. Passantino who became Deputy Assistant to the President.
Passantino's name may look familiar. He used to work for Gingrich.
(8) So it's clear that while Moak may have a D next to his name on Wikipedia, he's built his business and his financial fortune catering to Trump and GOP interests. And he's unlikely to stop doing that anytime soon.
(10) I don't like it either, but Dems need to keep focused on solutions to help Americans rather than enacting partisan revenge against a figurehead that's only part of the problem at the USPS.
For now, the priority has to be reform, not revenge.
I spent 2019 struggling with health issues that confounded diagnosis. In early 2020 I became convinced I had fibromyalgia & began exploring triggers & treatments.
Here's what I've learned after a year of living with fibromyalgia that might help others who are suffering.
For the longest time, I got hung up on the fact that I didn't have spots that were sore to the touch that followed those trigger point diagrams. Those diagrams are a VERY outdated way of diagnosing fibro.
(3) The light bulb went off when I went to see an ortho specialist who could manipulate trigger points in my neck to produce symptoms in various parts of my body.
I started to put the pieces together.
(2) The short answer is Dems don't have committee control because an agreement hasn't been reached on power-sharing. I know we like to say Dems have "control" of the Senate but for all intents and purposes, the Senate is split evenly.
(3) It's possible the Senate will pass a rules resolution on how the Senate will work today, but in the meantime, Durbin (the new judiciary chair) has been pushing Graham to schedule Garland's confirmation.
Look. As a survivor I still get anxiety attacks on the regular and that shit has been buried and done for me for thirty years.
Fuck anyone minimizing the trauma sexual violence leaves behind to score political points today. #MeToo
(2) When I was a rape crisis counselor I heard a prosecutor once say that he thought rape was the crime that inflicted the most trauma.
I was kind of floored. What about murder I asked.
He said most of the time you don’t have to live with the trauma of murder. You’re just dead.
(3) But victims of rape and sexual assault have to live with this trauma for the rest of their lives. It’s in the way they have to struggle to stay present or be intimate.
It’s in the anxiety attacks. The eating disorders.
In today's #ThursdayThread, we're looking more closely at the Dem strategy moving forward. Will Democrats continue to fall for promises from the other side of the aisle or will they govern with the power of the mandate they've been given?
(2) There are some good indications that Schumer and Senate Democrats outmaneuvered Mitch McConnell quite neatly on the filibuster issue earlier this week and that they plan to move forward on stimulus without regard to GOP dissent.
(3) It's important to note that as much as the wins in Georgia provided Dems control of the Senate, they hold the slimmest of majorities in both chambers and that hampers their agenda.
Because of the filibuster, passing legislation requires 60 votes.
What if it’s more like big tobacco where the industry obscured the fact that their product was dangerous for decades and now can be held responsible for the effects of continuing to market something dangerous to the public under false pretenses.
Hell, even alcohol has warning labels about health risks. And strict rules about who, where, and how they can market their product to the public.
Where’s the warning for Fox News?
I don’t know ANY industry where you can market something with demonstrably false claims. In other industries you’d face fines from the federal government for misleading the public about your product. (Think FDA, EPA enforcement, etc). It should be the same for media.
With large percentages of healthcare workers opting not to receive the vaccine, I called my son’s orthodontist and asked if their assistants were vaccinated ahead of his appointment this week
They said HIPA prevented them from disclosing that info
(2) The ortho office said they couldn’t require the assistants to get the vaccine or disclose whether they had received it.
And while I get that, I’m starting to wonder how we are ever going to make it safe enough out there that people can get the healthcare they need.
(3) Utah is running a 20% daily average positive rate, and 25% of the population can’t be vaccinated because they are under 16.
Given current allotments, we’ll only be able to vaccinate the over 70 population for the next 3-4 weeks and people over 65 could take another month.