I am generally ‘center left’
i believe in liberal democracy + free market capitalism
our current political moment is imperfect democracy + oft illiberal
our current market moment is distorted with speculative excess, wittingly corrupt promoters + cronyism...
I believe in reducing human suffering + broadly expanding human rights—which means eliminating + shaming discrimination against skin/hair/eye color, body size/shape, gender, sexual preferences, religious beliefs, food, music, clothing choices.
I also believe in free speech
3/ Believing in free speech means the right to criticize and say things that may offend—and having no right to not be criticized or offended.
I can say something you find insulting
and you can correct my ignorance
and respect my subjectivity...
1/ Likely we test new US political movements
that echo 2008 housing bailout
but for STUDENT LOAN forgiveness
Also played on past stages of
Germany vs Greece
North vs Southern Europe (Italy)
2/ Obviously it is MORE complicated than profligate spending with other spotlights on inflationary cost of higher ed, driven ever higher by government provision of crazy debt loads, bloated administrative ranks, broken promise that a costly degree was high paying job guarantee...
1/ Here is my full Council on Foreign Relations @CFR_org talk
will post excerpts later—covering:
*future of R&D + innovation
*history of private funding
*Space Race
*Lux theme of “Tech of Science”
*Miami + how to (and how not to) create tech hubs cfr.org/event/changes-…
2/ On the unintended consequence of shutting China out of markets for geopolitical competitive reasons
which will make them MORE competitive
as distrust does away with comparative advantage
and stimulates redundant competing space, science, tech races
3/ On
-SERENDIPITY in SCIENCE and the futility of government “directing” discoveries...
-scientists reclassifying or renaming whatever they are working on to get government money given to what politicians deem popular...
If you CANNOT say when something is OVERVALUED
you CANNOT say you know how to VALUE it
If you buy $1.00 for cost of $0.50—it’s “riskless profit”
(undervalued arb, sure to gain)
If you buy $1.00 for cost of $2.00—it’s “riskless loss”
(overvalued foolishness, sure to lose)
If you cannot VALUE something you do not know if it is UNDERVALUED or OVERVALUED
and thus cannot know if you are taking riskless profit, riskless loss—or profitless risk
The key current test: at what $ price within a 50% +/- range
would #Bitcoin be OVERVALUED?
3/ “Today a young man on acid realized:
everything should be free
Property rights are zerosum oppression by patriarchy Everything’s relative to something which’s relative to nothing
there’s no absolute value
info wants to be free
money is made-up
...Here’s Bob with the weather”