MBS's disinfo accounts on Twitter are trolling Americans by posting pictures of the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal. I guess that's MBS's own sort of whataboutism: "You aren't better than me". Your move @POTUS, can America be better?
More examples of Saudi state disinformation employing whataboutism and spreading anti-American messaging: Let MBS get away with Jamal's murder because Hiroshima
It's the next day, and MBS's disinformation accounts (Twitter is crawling with them) are continuing their narrative of whataboutism targeting the United States of America:
Hi guys, here's an important thread about the Israeli connection to MBS and the cause of justice for Jamal. It's also a thread about how many crosshairs are on my back, and why I'm probably less safe now than I was before the ODNI report:
So you may have noticed that MBS's disinfo accounts have been pumping out anti-Palestinian racist material and have been signalling support for Israel. I've talked about this many times, most recently here:
You'll also notice this piece of news, which Israeli media dropped just hours before the ODNI report came out. It states that Israel is seeking a military alliance that includes MBS, as well as MBZ and Hamad of Bahrain. i24news.tv/en/news/intern…
The declassified ODNI report is now live. No surprises here. MBS ordered the Khashoggi murder: docdroid.net/9eJivlh/assess…
"We have high confidence that the following individuals participated in, ordered, or were otherwise complicit in or responsible for the death of Jamal Khashoggi on behalf of Muhammad bin Salman". 21 named.
Reminder that MBS is stuck in power. This guy locked up his own senior family members and regime elites and tortured them until they handed over their fortunes. There is no future for MBS out of power, once he's out of power a thousand knives await him.
Asking MBS to leave power is basically asking him to commit suicide, he can't do it even if he wanted to. Expecting the King to sideline him is also strange given how MBS actually runs the king and not vice versa. Asking the family to sideline MBS is asking for a coup.
Meanwhile hitting MBS with max sanctions will isolate him, but then he can't step down (see above). If isolated and feeling threatened, he'll become more ferocious and repressive, and will lean more on his buddies MBZ and Netanyahu to help him survive and repress
I'm kinda uncomfortable with proposals that focus on punishing MBS without centering the causes for which Jamal died - democracy & free speech. I hope the pressure on MBS works, but I caution that turning MBS into a 21st century Saddam will not do justice to Jamal's legacy.
I'm tracking Saudi regime disinfo output to gauge the current mood there, and the messages are clearly ones of defiance. MBS is digging his heels. I'm happy to be proven wrong but it's unlikely US pressure will manage to dislodge him as Crown Prince or de facto leader
Reminder that MBS is not alone in the region. Israel has famously given him the hacking software he used to hack & track Jamal and others. Israel even analyzes the data he steals. And as of this morning, Israel is signalling they are standing by him:
قل اللهم مالك الملك، تؤتي الملك من تشاء، وتنزع الملك ممن تشاء، وتعز من تشاء، وتذل من تشاء، بيدك الخير، إنك على كل شيء قدير. تولج الليل في النهار وتولج النهار في الليل، وتخرج الحي من الميت وتخرج الميت من الحي، وترزق من تشاء بغير حساب.
اللهم إنه قد طغى وتجبر، وسرق وقتل، وظلم وفجر، اللهم وإن ناصيته بيدك، أنت مدركه أينما سلك، وقادر عليه أينما لجأ، وأنت أقرب إليه من جنبات نفسه، اللهم فانزع عنه سربال عزك الذي لم يجازه بالإحسان، واجعله لمن خلفه آية واشف صدور قوم مؤمنين
اللهم كما أنعمت علي بالإيمان، وكما نجيتني من غيابة السجن، وكما أنقذتني من التيه، وكما نجيت أهلي وأتيت بهم إلي، وكما أدبتني وأكرمتي وأسبغت علي نعمك، اللهم فزدني تأديبا وأحسن بلائي واكتبني في الصالحين. رب بما أنعمت علي فلن أكون ظهيرا للمجرمين
The spiritual teacher is nothing like the teacher we encounter in schools or colleges. The role of the spiritual teacher isn't to give you information. Rather it's to give you a chisel and then cram you into a difficult corner so you can sculpt yourself out of it.
In this, you are the tool and you are the subject, and you cannot become anything without literally hammering and digging into yourself, and shedding parts of yourself.
Many people raise their hands and say "I am ready", virtually all of them are not. If you are truly ready and truly understand what this entails, you will be saying it with trepidation, not with gusto.