If you counterprotest in the pathway of of an organised march you can expect to be moved on by police keeping the peace.
We want police to follow the rule of law.
One people who complained to my employer said that this video by FPFW which I had tweeted "reminded her of the Nazis" because of the colour scheme
And here is Omid carelessly slurring female academics as Nazis (he said he didn't mean it, it was just for bants and he hadn't actually read the article)
There are careful comparisons to be made between what is happening here and the way that totalitarian movements work.
#MOMAbill Lord True - The government has listened carefully and has heard the strength of feeling - gender neutral drafting does not require a single approach.
"Mother" and "expectant mother" is legal and acceptable to the government
15 organisations launch the #sexandthecensus campaign today to send a message to the ONS that its job is to collect data accurately from everyone - sex matters.
There was an excellent meeting in the House of Lords in 2019 about child transition - You can read the talks by Richard Byng, Marcus Evans, Michael Laidlaw & Stephanie Davies Arai
Stonewall staff and trans advisory group sent emails characterised by the judge as a “threat” of reputational damage to Garden Court, including that for Garden Court to continue to support Allison “puts us in a difficult position with yourselves”
We trust you will “would do what is right and stand in solidarity with trans people” and take disciplinary action against Allison or, as summarised by her barrister, face the reputational consequences.
Interesting on censuses, biological data, social norms and shame ....
One of the questions in the 1971 census is the number of children a woman has had
But it only asked about children born in marriage
Presumably at the time it was felt to be too sensitive to ask about children born outside of marriage - who might have been adopted, brought up within the wider family etc... certainly not something to talk about on the doorstep.
Transsexuality used to be a bit like this - something shameful, not to be talked about, with the idea that a person would want to live 'in stealth'.
But social norms - on children borne outside of wedlock, and gender non-conformity change
One of the things in census design is also making sure that relationships between the questions are consistent
- with the modern census they use computer power to weed out errors like people who listed as under 16 and in full time work , or women giving birth over 65 etc...
The census asks about relationships between people in the household
In 1971 they put this as the "Head" of the household (i.e. the husband/father if their was one) and the wife.