Covid won't be of major interest from epidemiology's history, far away from black plague, spanish flu or even AIDS; it will definitely be a milestone in sociology.
For its understanding, MORAL PANIC must be considered.
If we check its characteristics of strictly fits the Covid madness.
We, Evil Negationists, can tell. Signalling has been a constant of the crisis, and kids, sportsmen, smokers, critic scientists, to tinfoilhat deniers and anyone not 100% CVBeliever has been packed as Negationist
There has been no critical approach to restrictions true analysis. Not even the lesser case comparison, time framing or outcome checking.
When things go wrong, Negationists are to blame.
The irresponsables
It's so easy to see how trolls show here the moral superiority they feel
It is supported in the constant social anxiety and always follows the interest of elite, which have use this phenomenon for permanent legal changes, always in defense of ruling ideology
In this growing inequality times, control is the obsession of power. Covid laws are KGB level
Another fascinating aspect is that the moral qualifying of an act relies not in the true consequences of the act itself, but in the defined limits labelled as dangerous.
Hence, perfectly healthy people are crucified for transgressions despite the true risk was proved zero.
We can definitely trace creation stages of Covid Moral Panic till its last step.
We need to stop, and revert all the crazy restrictions and control measures we cowardly accepted.
In fact we should undo lots more, like those applied under War on Terror excuse.
It's capital that population get aware of mass manipulation systems on play.
One of the strongest Covid supports stills the lack of understanding on WHY all this could go on if fear version is not true, as every fact is proving.
Elite Groupthink and Moral Panic is the answer
I personally must confess I love the fact that Moral Panic initial analysis arise from the Mods/Rockers quasi mythological brawls, theme of Quadrophenia.
I'll add a good article for general approaching, cool it is pre Covid. I miss that times.
Variants are the main pusher for fear of a imminent New Wave.
Observation of known mutations not only debunk the childish Variant Version, with few but famous new strains; but is ANOTHER strong proof of seasonality.
This is a timed map of mutations, let's observe it well.
Apart from the obvious fact of huge number of mutations, we can see two clear significant frames.
An initial phase, with quick detection of lots of separated branches, thus lots of mutations.
A frame with intense mutation density, with a MARKED line beginning from~early November.
Both directly correspond to winter.
Initial phase, with few genomic sequencing, detects the broad tree being created by frequent mutations, and the clear yellow dot purée of its develope.
Of course mutations are proportional to transmission. More infections, more copy mistakes.
There's NOT such a thing as a consensus ,but a very complex net of fractional insights. We only see aired the few undisputable supporting the fear narrative, even its quality is null, as Imperial College stuff.
They always come at appropriate political moment, and are models.
In the other hand there's a cloud of side studies, never as spectacular as the previous, but strongly scientifical; usually analysis rather than modelling; that points consistently AGAINST the exceptionality of this virus and the horrible mistake and disproportion of restrictions
La 4ª ronda del serológico ha pasado por los medios con dos titulares infantiles.
En España hay un 10% de anticuerpos QUE NO ES SUFICIENTE PARA LA INMUNIDAD DE GRUPO.
El análisis de los datos cuenta muchas historias interesantes. Vamos a ver algunas.
Aquellos que reconocían usar SIEMPRE la mascarilla se han infectado un 25% de los que confesaban no usarla NUNCA. 3,8% de usuarios fieles de mascarilla contra sólo un 3% de los Irresponsables Negacionistas culpables de la expansión del virus.
Llevar mascarilla AUMENTA el riesgo
Cómo sabíamos por el análisis de los datos laterales, las hospitalizaciones eran un artefacto humano.
El 87% de los ingresos POR covid de menos de una semana NUNCA lo tuvieron.
El 56% de los de más de 1 semana, tampoco, ni el 53% de los que contamos como UCI.
As this round has been made under masks mandatory, we can check how many of the participants were infected, under declared different masks usage: never, sometimes, always
The group with LESS infections was those NEVER using a mask, 3% Vs 3.8% ALWAYS users.
Masks are NOT working
You have 25% MORE chance of getting infected always using a mask than never using it.
Those partially accomplishing show similar, slightly higher, to mask wearers, 3,9% infections.
As the absurd number (~65%) in the HI myth is way over those willing to vax (only 25% enthusiasts), they will need to force people to. Doing it directly is unconstitutional, thus ugly blackmail and threaten appears plausible, in the shape of restrictions for the 'negationists'.
There's the mood for bannings on those refusing Vax, like no access to public transport, lose of economic public aids, maintaining masks as a terrible mark of the infectious...
We've seen a lot of rights destroyed, but this would be a dangerous rule change.