2/ Under this proposed edit, #HR1 would require that the voter “have the option to mark his or her ballot by hand, whether voting by mail or in person.” #HandMarkedPaperBallots
Without this clarifying language, jurisdictions cld still force all in person voters to use risky touchscreen voting machines called ballot marking devices (BMDs), as long as vote by mail is also an option. That won’t suffice to protect election integrity & faith in elections. 3/
Yike. Paul Manafort intended for the Trump campaign's polling data to go to Serhiy Lyovochkin. Per the NYT in 2005, Lyovochkin was involved in the conspiracy to HACK ELECTRONIC ELECTION RESULTS in Ukraine's 2004 presidential election. 1/ archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.co…
2/ According to CNN, Serhiy Lyoyovochkin was one of two intended recipients of the polling data that Paul Manafort gave to Konstantin Kilimnik on August 2, 2016. cnn.com/2019/01/09/pol…
3/ According to the NYT piece in post 1, Viktor Medvedchuk (a key Putin ally) was also involved in the hacking of Ukraine's 2004 election. He, too, was reportedly in touch with the Trump campaign in 2016, though he denied it. reuters.com/article/us-usa…
Fun fact: @GOP is using talking points from Ben Shapiro who used to circulate pro-Yanukovich talking points while at Breitbart. Yanukovich was Manafort’s client in Ukraine. He was ousted & lives in Russia in exile. These people will say anything for money. They are all dirty. 1/
Dear @GAGOP: Advocating #handmarkedpaperballots isn’t a conspiracy theory. Do I need to remind you that a federal court agreed w/ @CoalitionGoodGv that Georgia’s prior paperless Diebold/ES&S voting machines were unconstitutional? Or that those machines lost 127k black votes? 1/
As FBI issues a WANTED notice for Konstantin Kilimnik (who received polling data from Manafort in August 2016), questions about why @vlasto leaked proprietary exit polling data to the Trump campaign on election night 2016 could resurface. 1/
In 2019, Kilimnik told me (through his Twitter alias, which the SIC revealed to be @PBaranenko), that the polling data he received from Manafort was just some basic stuff. Publicly available. Seems he lied. 1/