Hormesis is a fundamental concept in biology, and in health and disease.
Importantly, you can use hormesis deliberately to improve your own health and live longer.
What is hormesis?
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Hormesis is a process in which exposure to a low dose of a toxin or stressor that is damaging at higher doses induces an adaptive beneficial effect on the cell or organism.
Hormesis is ubiquitous in living things.
Hormesis is fundamental to living organisms' ability to survive and thrive against the assaults of the environment
Hugo Schulz discovered hormesis in 1884 when he noted that yeast cells grew better in the presence of low doses of chemical disinfectants.
In liver and muscle, but not heart, tissue, regular coffee induced autophagy more strongly than decaf, indicating a possible independent effect of caffeine.
"Coffee ingestion causes global deacetylation of proteins and hence mimics caloric restriction"
Indeed, "caffeine surprisingly is a potent stimulator of hepatic autophagic flux"
Caffeine reduces liver fat and stimulates β‐oxidation (fat burning) in hepatic cells and liver by an autophagy pathway