‘HMG PPE guidance on the indications for use of FFP3 respirator relies on two assumptions. First, that its list of AGPs & high-risk areas are exhaustive. Second, that the droplet theory of SARS-CoV-2 transmission is correct.’ @TheBMA@theRCN@KGadhok
‘If either of these two postulates are incorrect & the role of aerosolisation transmission is greater than currently thought, the current triaging system of respirators may result in HMG PPE guidance indicating a less effective form of RPE in a higher-than-expected risk setting.’
‘Given this uncertainty, HMG PPE guidance should take a cautious approach rather than risk underprotecting staff. RPE guidance is increasingly stock driven. If RPE must be triaged due to unavailability of stock, FRSM wearing HCWs may be exposed to aerosolised SARS-CoV-2.’
Unanswered questions and future research
• Further rigorous study is required into the transmission of SARS-CoV-2.
• ‘The validity of the droplet versus aerosol dichotomy of respiratory illness transmission is uncertain. It must be substantiated since it underpins HMG PPE guidance on RPE.’
• ‘Expedited research is required to further understand aerosol-generating procedures, including an effort to standardise the classification of AGPs by different organisations as AGPs are the key indication for RPE triaging in HMG PPE guidance.’
‘It is suggested that if there were an unlimited stock of FFP3 respirators, the guidance would be that all inpatient facing HCWs would wear them continuously.’
'In summary, antibodies against N protein of SARS-CoV-2 WERE NOT DETECTED in 408 (56%) of health care workers of a major hospital for COVID-19 in southern Vietnam.'
1. 'Early preparedness and experience gained from previous pandemics...safety training on COVID-19 patient management and laboratory safety for its designated staff in early January 2020'
When did you receive your COVID19 safety training? @davidshukmanbbc
2. 'To further reduce the risk of nosocomial infection, wearing a medical mask is mandatory for all COVID-19 patients, while being hospitalized.'
“She is a hedgehog. She has a theory that explains everything, and it gives her the illusion that she understands the world.” #FreshAirNHS#COVIDisAirborne
Transmission of SARS-CoV-2: implications for infection prevention precautions
'Scientific Brief' @WHO who.int/news-room/comm…
'This evidence base supports the conclusion that widespread use of surgical and homemade face masks among the public can have a significant mitigating effect on the spread of Covid-19.'
21st April 2020 assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/upl…
'Dr Yvonne Doyle, Medical Director at PHE, said: “NHS staff are under immense pressures and their safety has always been our highest priority.' #FreshAirNHS#COVIDisAirborne
'The NHS Infection Prevention Control group has reviewed the latest evidence and has advised that PPE SHOULD CONTINUE TO BE WORN as laid out in the current IPC guidance, with FFP3 masks required for staff undertaking clinical aerosol generating procedures.'
The twist?
PHE IPC guidance, p2:
'Please note that this guidance is of a general nature AND THAT AN EMPLOYER SHOULD CONSIDER THE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF EACH INDIVIDUAL PLACE OF WORK AND COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE LEGISLATION, including the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.'
@medrxivpreprint preprints since Jan provided multi-nation data allowing modelling of the UK peak casualty time point occurring w/o appropriate preemptive quarantine.
• Health services will be rapidly overwhelmed.
• Critical Care bed numbers would need to double within 1-2 days.
• Peak likely within 50 days of UK entry