Everyone "knows" that meat is not healthy, but until a few decades ago, no one ever thought that.
Something changed.
What changed was the demonization of saturated fat as a cause of coronary heart disease by the (now notorious) Ancel Keys.
He used observational and cherry-picked data to "prove" his hypothesis.
In any case, numerous studies over the past decade have shown that saturated fat is not associated with coronary heart disease. academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/9โฆ
The "evidence" that meat is harmful comes almost entirely from observational studies, which can show association, but not causation.
They are also fundamentally flawed by the use of food frequency questionnaires, which are "pseudoscientific" sciencedirect.com/science/articlโฆ
Right away, we have national policy being set by pseudoscience, but even if questionnaires were valid, they can't show causation.
Healthy user bias is the propensity of someone who engages in one healthy behavior to do others, e.g. people who exercise are also likely not to smoke.
People have been told not to eat meat, and healthy users believed and obeyed. Others did not.
Furthermore, the evidence, such as it is, is exceedingly weak.
So weak, that a group of doctors and scientists, writing in the Annals of Internal Medicine in 2019, caused an uproar when they said there's no reason to curtail consumption of red and processed meat.
Many prominent members of the health establishment called for the censorship of this scientific article.
Again, the evidence is extremely weak. Many studies have found no link with cancer, and others have found only weakly raised risks.
But weak relative risks are blown into major headlines by mainstream media.
"the currently available epidemiologic evidence is NOT SUFFICIENT to support an... association between red meat consumption and colorectal cancer." (my emphasis)
Weird to realize that there are professional carbohydrate defenders, and that the health establishment confers advanced degrees in Carbohydrate Defense.
Leaving aside the merits or demerits of carbs, the answer IMO hinges on saturated fat, which the health establishment has told us to avoid for decades.
They told us to eat carbs instead.
Therefore, if carbs fall, the nutrition establishment falls.
It was all a pack of lies.
If you're lean and healthy and you exercise with intensity regularly, there's likely nothing wrong with some carbs.
Although you might be surprised when that bowl of "healthy" oatmeal spikes your blood sugar to 180.
Does insulin cause accelerated aging, and can you slow aging and live longer and in better health by keeping insulin levels low?
Let's look at the evidence.
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Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas, which maintains normal blood glucose levels by promoting cellular glucose uptake, regulating carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism and promoting cell division and growth.
Hormesis is a fundamental concept in biology, and in health and disease.
Importantly, you can use hormesis deliberately to improve your own health and live longer.
What is hormesis?
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Hormesis is a process in which exposure to a low dose of a toxin or stressor that is damaging at higher doses induces an adaptive beneficial effect on the cell or organism.
Hormesis is ubiquitous in living things.
Hormesis is fundamental to living organisms' ability to survive and thrive against the assaults of the environment
Hugo Schulz discovered hormesis in 1884 when he noted that yeast cells grew better in the presence of low doses of chemical disinfectants.