The Equality Act 2010 single-sex exemptions mean that it’s lawful to provide changing rooms for women & girls only – on the basis or #SexNotGender. These used to be the norm in shops, swimming pools & sports centres. But in an attempt to save building costs or due to pressure >
> to be progressive & “inclusive” many are quietly being re-labelled as gender-neutral or unisex. Far from being inclusive, mixed-sex changing rooms mean that many women will self-exclude; sometimes because of religious reasons, but often because of concerns about safety, >
> privacy, dignity and voyeurism. Women’s rights and needs matter too. Single-sex changing rooms are a proportionate way of ensuring our privacy and dignity – and it’s lawful to have them. #SexNotGender#RhywNidRhywedd
Domestic abuse and sexual violence are endemic in our society and the lock-down has exacerbated the problem. The UK saw a rise of 49% in the number of calls to domestic abuse services and the number of deaths trebled in 2020 compared to 2019 figures. 1/10
There was already a serious shortfall in refuge spaces: six families are turned away for every four who are offered a place. The overwhelming majority of victims are female, the perpetrators are overwhelmingly male. 2/10
Unsurprisingly, therefore, single-sex refuges are considered ‘a proportionate means to achieve a legitimate aim’ under the Equality Act. 3/10
Golyga'r eithriadau un rhyw yn y Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 ei bod hi'n gyfreithlon cael timau a chategorïau chwaraeon sydd ar gyfer menywod a merched yn unig. Ond, mae pwysau cynyddol ar chwaraeon benywaidd i ganiatáu i wrywod gystadlu mewn categorïau benywaidd ar bob lefel os >
> ydyn nhw'n uniaethu fel menywod neu ferched. Mae hyn er gwaethaf tystiolaeth wyddonol bod gwahaniaethau ffisiolegol hyd yn oed o blentyndod sy'n ei gwneud hi nid yn unig yn annheg, ond yn anniogel, i fechgyn a merched neu ddynion a menywod gystadlu mewn rhai chwaraeon gyda'i >
> gilydd. Os yw rhywun wedi profi glasoed gwrywaidd, mae'r gwahaniaethau corfforol hyd yn oed yn fwy, ac yn parhau hyd yn oed os yw testosteron yn cael ei llethu’n ddiweddarach. Mae llawer o fenywod (a rhai dynion) amlwg ym myd chwaraeon wedi siarad allan ar y mater hwn, gan >
The single-sex exemptions in the Equality Act 2010 mean that it is lawful to have sports teams and categories that are for women & girls only. However, there is increasing pressure on female sports to allow males to compete in female categories at all levels if they identify as >
> women or girls. This is despite scientific evidence that even from childhood there are physiological differences which make it not only unfair, but unsafe, for boys and girls or men and women to compete in some sports together. If someone has experienced male puberty the >
> physical differences are even greater, even if testosterone is later suppressed. Many prominent sportswomen (and some men) have spoken out on this issue, including @Martina Navratilova, @Tanni_GT and @Sharron62 Davies. Many girls and women are turned off participating because >
Golyga eithriadau un rhyw Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 ei bod yn gyfreithlon darparu ystafelloedd newid i ferched a merched yn unig - ar sail #RhywNidRhywedd. Arferai’r rhain fod yn gyffredin mewn siopau, pyllau nofio a chanolfannau chwaraeon. Ond mewn ymgais i arbed costau adeiladu >
> neu oherwydd pwysau i fod yn flaengar ac yn “gynhwysol”, mae llawer yn cael eu hail-labelu'n dawel fach fel rhai rhywedd-niwtral neu unrhywiol. Ymhell o fod yn gynhwysol, mae ystafelloedd newid rhyw cymysg yn golygu y bydd llawer o fenywod yn hunan-eithrio; weithiau oherwydd >
> rhesymau crefyddol, ond yn aml oherwydd pryderon ynghylch diogelwch, preifatrwydd, urddas a foyeuriaeth. Mae hawliau ac anghenion menywod yn cyfrif hefyd. Mae ystafelloedd newid un rhyw yn ffordd gymesur o sicrhau ein preifatrwydd a'n hurddas - ac mae'n gyfreithlon eu cael.
Across the UK, female changing rooms in shops, gyms, swimming pools and sports centres, are being quietly relabelled as gender-neutral or unisex.
In the name of inclusivity, female changing rooms are increasingly open to men who identify as women, just on their say-so. 1/6
Setting aside the fact that mixed-sex spaces will automatically exclude many religious women, research from 2018 revealed that 'two-thirds of all sexual attacks at leisure centres and public swimming pools take place in unisex changing rooms’ > 2/6
and 90% of complaints of sexual assault, voyeurism and harassment relate to unisex facilities.
Equally worrying is the rise in spy-cam porn: in 2018 in Seoul there were 6000 cases of women and girls recorded without their knowledge. > 3/6
So @WENWales - that's the Women's Equality Network in Wales for anyone not familiar their work - has produced a toolkit for schools and youth groups to use with 4-11 year olds on International Womens Day #IWD2021
We had a look.
One of the first things you see - right on page 4 - is a handy list of 'Key terms'.
Here are some gems.
Woman/girl: a female person. This includes transwomen and girls, as well as ciswomen and girls.
So, the category of female people now include male people according to the Women's Equality Network Wales. That's going to make recording and analysing discrimination interesting.