🚨So many lies...Do U know that the Atlantean Gods, the Grail bloodline, were known as the "shepherd Kings"(the Basque land (Euskadi)in Nazara/Nazareth/Navarre)and are rising again... -thread-anthroworldforum.com/index.php?thre…
And if you knew the basque land.... you will understand why it was named Nazara/Naiara/Naxara... Naza in Euskara means "dam", Euskadi/Navarre and the mountains stopped the waters of the Great flood, the Santutegi (in Euskara, sanctuary in English)...
Do you understand that here is the "Santu Euskadi", the "Santu Nazareth". And Euskadi remains today beautiful with its green valleys (it will always remain a sponge...), its sheep and the famous Pottoka....I know the place ETXE-RA...
In the 20th Century the Nazi stole the words and twisted them. The League of Nations, rebranded later in the United Nations, they would have wanted it to be named Nazio Batuen Erakundea, since they were pretending to gather the lands to restore the Holy Land....
Nazio means Nation and Nazi is closed to Nazara/Naxara/Nazareth and nazir/nazi/ nazirate... many words to confuse people.
That is the goal of their New World Order, the definitive take-over of the Earth and its inhabitants, topped with a false GOD (Elon Musk' AI)...
and announced by a false Christ...And all the inhabitants submitted to them in their new prison, just the time for their poisons (the vak-cines, their "sorceries") to work and destroy 90 % of them, making the few "useful" forever cyborgs, no longer Humans.
Yes , "they" are the enemies, the AntiChrists : the Luciferian gl0balists, the Zi0nists, the Nazi, the Royal (false) bloodline, the Papal bloodline with the 3 P0pes with the GREY P0PE and all his minions, the N0bleza Negra...
And you know the Bible is the Book but parts of it have remained unstained.
In Genesis, all is announced !
--> They are modifying the Human genome (GENE- ISIS), the mitochondrial DNA...
--> One of the Snakes in the Garden, is evil (Remember D Trump and the song of the Snake) : it is the image of the strand of DNA modified by them.
--> It is the Garden Of Eden : EDEN in the Basque idioma means POISON ! ....
(1) Nihilism has its roots in ancient scepticism. Because they reject certainty, sceptics denounce truths as well as critical thinking, misunderstanding that convincing arguments are backed up by proof, logic...and not based on opinions...
(2) Scepticism leads to nihilism, to the absence of any possibility of truth (the wall). Thus, there is no solution. Life has no meaning and there is no meaning to life, nihilists wander in nothingness...
(3) And it is indeed what we have today and all is enhanced with collapsologists (the Earth is not over populated and we are not going to starve), "Climate Change" (for those who can't see the hoax), globalists, religions ....
🚨IT IS THE DEFINITIVE PLAN TO STEAL THE REALM and IMPRISON/TRAP 10% OF ORIGINAL HUMANS ( WITH SOULS/SPIRITS) FOR EVER AS SLAVES. Speaking of new breeds of Humans is nonsense but they want to steal too the reproductive system of humankind they can't mimic.. (to continue)
Humans are one and unique race. Humans on Earth take the shape of a compound : a Human spirit/soul within a flesh vessel regularly changed to live new experiences, to learn and grow in that environment...
Now Humans have reached full maturity (they had a date with the Creator, if you really are a Human, you can't have missed the call and it was written). Maturity is reached with all the successive experiences they have lived and undestood, (like Tom Thumb coming back home...
That vaccine/poison ☠️ was given to mothers a year before and it worked very well for business. How convenient to incriminate local mosquitoes ... and it was named the Zika virus 🦟!
Understand how that CIRCULAR ECONOMY on "vaccines" work : they inoculate the poison they have created (creation of the problem) and then find a vaccine cure for it (The solution : a counterpoison/antidote to the former poison).
🚨Revelation 18:23. All Nations, all the people of the Earth were deceived by the sorceries of Babylon.... Babylon is falling, Babylon is falling. "Vanity of vanities": any Empire is doomed to failure...the only power is spiritual and they couldn't find the Graal (Continued)
since they have always gone astray and were lost, walking along the alchemical wrong path with stubborn determination thinking they had found the secret : change lead into gold.. They corrupted and deceived the whole Earth with their sorceries/Spells : (continued)
illusions (thin air money, use of animated drawing in their imaginary world (think Disney) created by cinema, illusionists and psychoanalysts mesmerizing people), sorcery and witchcraft (Big Pharma with their drugs, poisons and chemotherapies, experimental vaccines (Continued)
🚨Understand that it is the implementation of E. Macron's plan : 1 800 000 000 to inject in the #Qnami. E. Macron wants him and a few ELites to become sovereign in the Quantum, in the domination of quantum human beings.
With determination, he speaks of a technological shift (it is indeed the "Martian Technocracy of 1930 revisited in the 21st century style) that "France" will not miss (the people cannot escape it!). The dictatorship governs/controls the sovereign people of France.
1 800 000 000 € :
--> 430 million € for the Quantum universal computer which will control the entire grid, he describes it as being the "Holy Grail"...
🚨Andrej Ciesielski climbed on top of the Great Pyramid...Long time ago Sir Siemens did the same and understood the energy on top, at the place of the missing capstone which is the key to the machine, it powers the space time machine...
Siemens understood there was an extraordinary energy but he couldn't stock it : it's the reason of the global power grid they are building with Humans. Humankind will be trapped like fireflies in a box, like in their small size trial "flying generators"...
Humans have to understand who they are, understand what is their power and once understood ( and live in that power), they will understand they can overthrow "them" because they are deprived of it. And that has always fueled their jealousy. Humans are energy and can power it !🕊️