5/ The investors I speak with have maps - their own maps.
But their maps can't account for everything that could happen in the territory.
For example, their map might not include having to get up at 3:00 AM to drive 4 hours to deal with a plumbing issue.
6/ Mentors have the answers for the things THEY have been exposed to.
They can tell you every single detail about THEIR journey, but their map is specific to them and their experiences.
If you are going to embark on the territory on your own, you'll need to make your own map.
7/ The only way to make your own map is by entering the territory on your own.
You can try to source a bunch of maps from people who are familiar with the territory, but it's NOT going to tell you everything you need to know about the territory.
8/ So how can you prepare yourself for the territory?
First principle thinking allows you to cut through the bullshit analogies, step-by-step guides, and processes to help you understand the territory so you can create your own map.
9/ Here's an AMAZING thread from @jackbutcher and @SahilBloom about first principle thinking
The most successful people are able to make the best decisions.
In this thread, you will learn how to improve your decision making👇🧵
1/ I never thought of decision making as something that could be learned.
Throughout life, I have been programmed to think of decision making as a pros and cons exercise where I source a lot of people's opinions and choose the one that is most favorable
2/ Decision making is much more than pros/cons lists
It is something that can be learned over time.
Your ability to make effective decisions is a muscle you can build.