Tunavyo wapeleka watoto wetu kusoma elim za dini (madrasa,mafundisho,Sunday school) huwa tunafuatilia aina ya content wanayofundishwa?
Walim wa dini ni Watu tu ambao wanauwezo wa kuwa wanapush agenda zao binafsi. Na kichwa cha mtoto mdogo ndio sehem sahihi ya kupanda mbegu
Leo nimekutana na ustaadh kanambia:
Mwanamke ni kiumbe sacred sana ndiomana Mungu hajamtajataja sana kwenye Quran
Nikamjibu vipi kuhus Maryam?
Akasema-aah yule yuko tu pale ili ulimwengu ujue kuwa Issa alizaliwa na binadam 🙄🙄
Je, huyu ni mtu sahihi kufundisha binti zako dini?
Nikakumbuka akat flan mtu mmoja aliyedhania mm ni mkristo aliona namsaidia mtoto wa kiislam akanikanya niache kufanya hivyo kwa kutumia msitar wa biblia Mtayo 7:6 - Kama justification ya kwann sipaswi kumsaidia mtu wa dini nyingine. Uyo mtu alikua mwalim wa dini
1/9 Today I had a conversation with my mom about female genital mutilation #FGM and she told me some thing really disturbing
So what happened is, I was telling her about my baby cousin who is 8 years younger than me and how she had undergone #FGM as a baby😔
2/9 Her dad had said no to #FGM so my aunt(her mom) lied she wanted to visit her ill father just so that she can take my cousin away from my uncle and have her undergo #FGM
According to my aunt,she didn't want my cousin to lack a husband later and suffer urinary tract deseases😔
3/9 My uncle found out about it later but all was forgiven😔
My baby cousin sis is now a big girl and she will spend the rest of her life like that. Sad😔