Fighter jet engine designs were informed by studying peregrine falcons.
By 1974, thanks to DDT, peregrines were effectively all but extinct in the United States in all but the west coast.
There were four peregrines left in the entire state of New York.
To save the species, west coast falconers passed eggs to east coast falconers who tended to them and raised the chicks through first winters before releasing them.
It just aggrieves me to no end that we spotlight ignorant people as if being willfully uneducated is just a condition that befell them which they bear no responsibility for - and which the rest of us need to somehow cure them of like they were helpless toddlers.
Okay, one more thing and then I’m done...
When society adopts the position that the ignorant must always be persuaded first, we give the least intelligent people in society the power to veto things by simply choosing to not believe them... or saying they don’t.