In fact according to Leon County Supervisor of Elections Mark Earley, he has heard of NO supervisors of elections from any of Florida’s 67 counties who are in support of this bill. 🤔 3/n
Next this bill would purge current vote-by-mail registrations of millions of Florida voters.
Now a vote-by-mail registration is valid for 2 election cycles or up to 4 years. This would make it valid for just 1 election cycle, placing an undue burden on millions of Floridians.4/n
This provision is notable bc in 2020 the majority of people who voted by mail in Florida were Dems– in the past Reps have been the majority of vbm voters.
Seems pretty clear that the Reps are trying to level the playing field in time for @GovRonDeSantis re-election campaign. 5/n
Not to mention, as the Miami-Dade Supervisor of Elections noted, this provision would disproportionately impact the elderly, voters with disabilities, and our overseas military, all of whom have potential limited access to re-enroll. 6/n
This bill would also prohibit anyone except immediate family members from dropping off someone else’s ballot and it increases requirements for requesting ballots.
Again, making it harder for elderly and disabled people to vote. 7/n
And, all of these proposed elections changes are coming after @GovRonDeSantis bragged about how successful Florida’s election systems were in November…. 8/n
It’s blatantly clear that this is not about necessary voting reforms. It is about voter suppression.
UF prof. Michael McDonald said it's a part of what's shaping up to be the “greatest rollback of voting rights in this country since the Jim Crow era” 9/n…
And for Republicans:
Voter suppression = easier to win.
As former ACLU director said, "Floridians deserve a fair election — one in which rules are not manipulated by one candidate who gets to put his finger on the scale to benefit his own election.”10/n
.@GovRonDeSantis and the @FloridaGOP are trying to put their fingers on the scale, suppress the vote, and make sure our Florida elections are less accessible and more chaotic.
It is despicable and their efforts are bad for democracy. 11/n
So if this made you mad, call your state Senator and let them know that you are opposed to voter suppression and opposed to SB 90
It is clear that @GovRonDeSantis' whole vaccine rollout has been corrupt and marred by political favoritism.
But just how bad is it really? Well ...🧵1/n
When questioned recently about vaccine favoritism for wealthy donors in Manatee County, @GovRonDeSantis threatened to take away vaccine distribution in the county. 2/n
.@GovRonDeSantis has ignored advice from top medical professionals and touted the lack of a vaccination plan as a plus. Then he tried to hide public information on COVID-19 that showed case numbers spiking. 3/n
To those who are protesting for racial justice, we see you and we stand with you. #BlackLivesMatter
See our helpful protest guide on how to stay safe 👇 (THREAD) 1/4
2) What to wear/bring to a protest
👓 Safety goggles and tear gas neutralizer
💧Water, stay hydrated
⛑️Hair ties and a safety helmet
⚕️ First aid kid
🦾 Write your emergency contact on your arm
3) DONT:
➡️ Wear contact lenses, it traps tear gas and cna cause permanent damage
➡️ Weapons
➡️ Jewelry or anything that can be easily caught or grabbed
➡️Don't forget to eat and stay hydrated!
Voter Info Update 👇
Voters who are concerned about voting at the polls can pick up a vote-by-mail ballot at their county Supervisor of Elections (SOE) office. 1/5
A voter can designate someone to pick up their ballot by completing Form DS-DE 37 (English PDF/ Español PDF) before Election Day or DS-DE 136 (English PDF/ Español PDF) on Election Day. 2/5
If there is an Election Day request, the voter must affirm that an emergency exists that keeps that voter from being able to vote at his or her assigned polling place.
There is no definition of "emergency" is it relates to this requirement so it's a case to case basis. 3/5