1/ Lockdown-driven public health interventions have skewed COVID-19 infections in a deadly way, driving the virus away from the young, and towards the old. This distribution looks nothing like other pandemics over the last 100 years. academic.oup.com/epirev/article…
2/ By shunting the disease to the most vulnerable, these actions have nearly doubled deaths, increasing deaths from COVID-19 by more than 150K through 1/9/21 alone. This is a direct result of NOT taking a #FocusedProtection approach.
3/ Far from flattening the curve, these actions have also increased hospitalizations by more than 25% had the virus been allowed to take a more natural course, where the young and healthy bore the brunt of the disease.
1/ Last week UT (the most child-centric state in the country) set an expiry for their mask mandates--leaving it in place for children. This must not stand. I created a series of 4posts to arm parents with data to challenge this. This is the 1st thesmileproject.global/post/un-maskin…
2/ Back in summer, many school districts made a “deal” with parents and children. Mask your kids, allow us to severely restrict their ability to interact with other children as human beings, and they can go to school.
3/ Parents were desperate, having watched the learning loss and depression of the spring, so they acquiesced.
Un-masking Children:
Thread 1 of 4: The Role of Children in COVID-19 Transmission
1/ Children are not major drivers of COVID-19 transmission. This, the most authoritative study on transmission found not one incident of child-to-adult transmission.
The study was a population-representative survey, after identifying COVID positive people, they used genome sequencing and contact tracing to identify how the disease spread through the community. This level of rigor is unique.
3/ Other studies that attempt to claim significant child-to-adult transmission of COVID have not performed this analysis. The genome-sequencing is what allowed them to say definitively that none of the cases was spread from a child to an adult.
1/ This week I realized that kids will be the LAST to be un-masked. That can't happen. To help put an end to this madnessI have put together a 4-part series pulling together as much research as I can on why children should cease being masked, and how to effect that change.
2/ Back in summer, parents agreed to a deal: mask your kids and allow us to severely restrict their ability to interact with other children as human beings, & they can go to school. This should not have been the "deal". thesmileproject.global/post/un-maskin…
3/ Children's relative risk of dying of COVID (regardless of comorbidity) is less than 1/2n that of flu. Coupled with their lower transmissibility, they should not be forced to mask to protect themselves or other children. thesmileproject.global/post/un-maskin…
1/n On 3/8, Dr. Fauci said we don’t need to be walking around in facemasks. Then on April 3rd, he changed course and said we should wear masks to help slow the spread.
2/n In this message on 3/25, Canadian Dr., Gary Kobinger, one of the the members of the WHO STAG-IN task force, we may have our answer.
3/n Dr. Kobinger suggests cloth masks might work b/c mask-wearing countries in East Asia seemed to have lower transmission vs. the rest of the world. He explicitly notes that data shows they DON’T work for flu or rhinoviruses--and DIDN’T work for SARS
Anybody hear President Biden calling Texas and Mississippi governors Neanderthals for rescinding mask mandates?
Lot of anger and disappointment there. I wonder it there's a better place to direct all that?
So weird how mask mandate states are also the no-school states...
2/n There’s a reason that those graphs look so similar—it’s b/c while there is no correlation between repressive COVID restrictions and COVID deaths, there IS a significant correlation between COVID Restrictions & low-no school, and high unemployment.
3/n Know where else there’s a lot of misplaced outrage? Around COVID deaths. Liberal outrage ought to be focused on the CDC explaining the giant spring spike highlighted in yellow. Instead, it’s focused on Florida’s much smaller green bump.