What are the future opportunities if I start my career in Financial Computational Modelling? @CQFInstitute@CFAinstitute@GARP_Risk@PRMIA
Financial Modeling has many connotations. Modelling on Financial Variables is FM - Financial Modeling.
However, a model has many variants.
Please do read Dr Emanuel Derman, if you are interested in analyzing and understanding the computational (quantitative) methodology that taxonomizes model and model risks.
•Financial Modeling in Risk takes on various forms such as Econometric Modeling/ Volatility Modeling and so on etc.
•FM in Equity research is a structural analysis of the business and financial model of the company in which you would like to invest.
•FM in Retail Banking implies Credit Risk Modeling.
But it is not limited to Credit and can take on various forms.
•FM in Investment Banking is Quantitative Modeling used for pricing New Issues via the IPO in the primary market, and further valuation and pricing of the asset classes in the secondary markets.
•FM in Financial Engineering is Stochastic Modeling.
How Stochastic Processes are used to price and hedge financial positions in exposures such as derivatives.
•FM in Operations Research is based on Optimization Models. An e.g. is Portfolio Optimization.
FM in a true Accounting sense could be anything from costing to pricing to management reporting using dashboards.
•FM in Data Sciences revolves around Linear or even Non - Linear Model building, exploratory tests, inference validation and data visualization using various software, programming tools and computing packages.
•FM in Insurance has got to do with the fair actuarial pricing of the insurance premiums, Portfolio Management, Risk Event Outcome Analysis, ALM - Asset Liability Management and management of claims. It draws a lot from Actuarial Science and the Methods used in Insurance
•FM in Inventory, logistics and supply chain management can become very quantitative indeed.
There is a wide range of variables and models that are being used to optimize production and operations management activities in the batch manufacturing sector.
•FM in Economics, Esp: Financial Economics, revolves around Time -Series Econometrics drove Forecasting Methods.
For e.g. the financial modelling on equity returns and so on etc.
•FM also has a scope in Marketing Research and New Product Development by undertaking stochastic and deterministic simulations to assess the feasibility of the change management led process.
•Generally, MBAs have limited Financial Modeling skills outside the Supply Chain and/or Marketing Research and/or Banking and /or Investment Management Industry.
•The industry normally likes to hire Data Scientists, Actuaries and Financial Engineers to build sophisticated Financial Models.
In the future FM using MACHINE LEARNING applications will lead this analytical profession in the Industry.
The role of human interference might come to an end as far as computing is concerned. However, the interpretative side will always create and accommodate human beings, because programs can throw up and number, but the decision needs to be monitored through a Non - Robotic Process
I would feel very uncomfortable if robots are going to take over everything.
So make sure you pick the right area after doing a relevant degree in Financial Analytics, Machine Learning, DS, Financial Engineering, Actuarial Math, Applied Statistics, Economics, or Computing, etc.
How much importance is the FRM certification course? @GARP_Risk
If you have no background in Banking and Finance subjects, it is better for you to do an FRM / PRM and the other professional qualifications in risk offered by various bodies and institutes around the world.
I am sorry, but with this sort of garbage, you won’t be able to impress employers at the highest level, who are looking for mature #ERM Specialists with industry-specific experiences and learning or Quants with exceptional degrees from the top most unis.
If I want to work as a quant should I pursue a Masters in Data Science or a Master of Financial Engineering? @CQFInstitute@MITSloan
I might be capable to offer my two cents based on my direct experiences as a risk manager working in the asset management and commercial banking sectors of the economy.
Hence, you might obtain a lopsided view, but something is worthier than nothing?
Data Science and Machine Learning are becoming all so popular these days.
I believe ML - Machine Learning in Finance and Investing will be the hottest talk of the town in the coming days!
What is the difference between a master in financial risk management and a master in quantitative finance? Which is harder? @GARP_Risk
Risk Management focuses on loss identification, measurement, management and monitoring.
It's a Negative or Hazardous Incidence Reporting focussed science which has to be perfected and practised as a management art.
In a standard Financial Risk Degree, you might learn Financial Risk Management, ERM - Enterprise Risk Management and other aspects of Actuarial Sciences and/or QRM - Quantitative Risk Management which becomes very mathematical in overall terms.
Nations that fail economically gradually become Hyper-Nationalistic.
To name a few over the last century and in recent cases studied up to now included the 3rd Reich, Italy, possibly Imperial Japan due to USA Sanctions before WW2, USSR, and India and the USA(as seen under Trump).
Definitely, #China, as we study its example in a Political Science Masterclass, has become more and more nationalistic, since 79
The recent spade of CoronaVirus coupled with President Xi's style of governance will lead Chinese rhetoric to create more nationalistic hyperbole!
Also, Malaysia, which was largely a lame-duck nation with hardly any notable say on any sort of geostrategy or geopolitical matters, became extremely right-wing and Ultra-Nationalistic under @chedetofficial when the 1997 AFC- Asian Financial Crisis, swept away most of the region
Oh, yes, quantitative engineers are vital to economic development and its wide-ranging processes!
However, nobody realized back in the early 1980s, that engineers would move out of tangible industries and services drove value-adding sectors of the real economy such as the constructions and productions engineering businesses and industries,
into the fast-moving and computing non-tangible sectors, which are banking, finance and asset management services economy.
I have been asked to do a detailed write-up on what does and does not constitute risk management.
There is a lot of confusion within the scholarly cum practitioner domain, as many topics are unjustly added or deleted from academic curriculums and workshop topical course outlines
Risk Management has a wide scope both within the financial services and non-financial services industry.
Especially, Risk as a subject has greatly benefited from the transfer of applicable and vocational knowledge outside the Insurance Field, over the years.
Risk as a profession, which was and continues to be dominated by Applied Statisticians, and Mathematicians, generally fitted well into the #Actuarial Domain, but, only until recently, when scholars from other non-related professions jumped into the market, offering afresh ideas.