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Jun 20th 2022
#Actuarial Risk Management of Pension Funds is a highly specialized field.
This work needs both knowledge and understanding of #Actuarial #Mathematical Methods and #Financial Risk Models.
#LDI (Liability driven investing) & CDI(Cashflow Driven Investing) have unique feature risks
Also, #ILS Insurance-Linked Securities and ART Alternative Risk Transfer Products are other asset classes which need a new set of risk management skillsets, which includes both actuarial maths and an enhanced understanding of NAT CAT Events with combined effects.
Actuaries and Risk Managers must master the craft and science of side-pocket investing in the Insurance Securities Market based on Risk Transfer Methods applied.
Read 6 tweets
Jun 5th 2022
Mostly, Actuarial Science Students and Mathematical Statistics graduates have found refuge in other interdisciplinary professions such as FRM -Financial Risk Management/ Economic Capital Modeling, ERM -Enterprise Risk Management - by doing the CERA offered by @SOActuaries 1/1
Retirement Fund Management, Data Sciences and Machine Learning, Computational Finance, Financial Engineering, Quantitative Trading and Portfolio Management, Health Economics, Operations Research and Industrial Engineering Topics, Financial Regulation of Systemic Risk, etc.
The Industries of Life and/or General Insurance, are considered to be the largest employers, of actuaries in the financial services industry are no longer relevant. Big 4 hire Actuaries and Statisticians to assist various Machine Learning and Data Science related projects.
Read 6 tweets
Jan 14th 2022
I have met many mathematicians, #engineers, and #statisticians, from different countries, but, the ones that are graduates of #French and Belgian Universities are probably the best that I have come across.
What makes these countries so proficient when it comes to teaching #maths?
During the early 1990s, most of the #Quants and Financial Engineers who joined the Financial Services industry in the City of #London came from France.
French Mathematicians changed the way banking & asset mgmt was done.
Actuaries at @CityUniLondon dominated Insurance
Neither @LBS nor @LSEEcon contributed to the development of the #Quantitative Finance or #Actuarial Science Professional Cultures in the City.
The major contributors were @hwugradfutures and @CityUniLondon
To date, LBS does not teach Financial Engineering as a pathway
Read 6 tweets
Dec 27th 2021
Does risk management involve a lot of maths?
@SOActuaries @GARP_Risk @CQFInstitute @PRMIA @CFAinstitute @irmglobal
Yes and No!

It's a well-rounded discipline.
For #Actuarial, #Insurance, Financial Engineering, #Quantitative #Finance and Investment Management, #Mathematical #Trading, and #Financial Risk Assignments, you might require a lot of Maths and Statistics.
Is like asking whether we need milk and sugar for making ice cream ;)
Read 8 tweets
Oct 22nd 2021
Why is Financial Risk Management important for students to select as an elective in a Banking, or Finance or Investments Specialization Pathway?
FRM became popular during the 1980s when some top Wall - Street Banks hired quants to develop Summary Portfolio Metrics and reports on a day-end basis. E.g. the techniques pioneered by JP Morgan, LTCM and other top banks paved the way forward.
The credit for the development and emergence of this new subject area from within the literary domains of both Financial Economics & #Actuarial Science that has revolutionized decision-making, problem-solving and structuring methods across industries goes to working professionals
Read 20 tweets
Apr 10th 2021
Does #risk management involve a lot of maths?
Yes and No!

It's a well-rounded discipline.
For #Actuarial, Insurance, Financial Engineering, Quantitative Finance and Investment Management, Mathematical Trading, and Financial Risk Assignments, you might require a lot of Maths and Statistics.

Is like asking whether we need milk and sugar for making ice cream ;)
Read 9 tweets
Feb 11th 2021
I have been asked to do a detailed write-up on what does and does not constitute risk management.
There is a lot of confusion within the scholarly cum practitioner domain, as many topics are unjustly added or deleted from academic curriculums and workshop topical course outlines
Risk Management has a wide scope both within the financial services and non-financial services industry.
Especially, Risk as a subject has greatly benefited from the transfer of applicable and vocational knowledge outside the Insurance Field, over the years.
Risk as a profession, which was and continues to be dominated by Applied Statisticians, and Mathematicians, generally fitted well into the #Actuarial Domain, but, only until recently, when scholars from other non-related professions jumped into the market, offering afresh ideas.
Read 19 tweets
Dec 11th 2020
What is the difference between financial econometrics, econometrics and quantitative finance?
@GARP_Risk @CQFInstitute @SOActuaries
Financial Econometrics basically utilizes Financial Market Data to build mathematical and statistical financial models and later analyze the statistical significance and make predictions.
It is generally used by risk managers and economists to predict(forecast) and study the return market characteristics. GARCH models and other Time Series Models are used to study the pattern of Return Volatility Clusters, Tail Dependence Events, Covariances,
Read 14 tweets
Dec 11th 2020
How do I know if #Actuarial Science is meant for me?
@SOActuaries @actuarynews
It is not easy to assess your aptitude in a given subject by only passing high school exams or getting good grades in Math, Statistics and/or Further Maths(Advance Math) at the higher secondary level.
I know many Math geniuses, who entered into Actuarial Science and Risk, but later moved out because they didn't want to restrict themselves & their field of specialization to just Insurance and risk management sectors in the economy.
So, it all depends on whether you would like to work solely within the risk management area and insurance, or you would like to have a more broad-based career.
Read 4 tweets

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