This is an interesting perspective on Taiwan (& glad it mentions data/privacy), although I'd like to see more references to what local officials were actually saying about approach in real-time, rather than what UK-based researchers later say it was:… 1/
E.g. from April 2020: "Covid-19 is becoming flu-like. It means that since it is highly contagious with many mild or asymptomatic cases, and can be transmitted through droplets and contaminated areas, we won’t get rid of this virus totally."… 2/
Taiwan has implemented several innovative, effective measures against COVID-19, but it will harm our ability to plan for the next pandemic if we don't look fully at how countries were interpreting - and acting on - available evidence in real-time. 3/
Is “we couldn’t have predicted the emergence of B117” a scientifically accurate statement? 1/
I’d argue it depends whether statement is interpreted in general or specific terms. “We couldn’t have predicted the possibility of a phenotypically distinct SARS-CoV-2 variant” is clearly inaccurate (given some adapation would have been involved in its original emergence)... 2/
...but “we couldn’t have predicted a variant emerging when it did in autumn 2020 with B117’s specific characteristics” is entirely reasonable (especially as our knowledge of its characteristics is still developing). 3/
Slogans aside, there are three broad approaches to COVID countries can take from now on:
A. An R<<1 approach
B. An R<1 approach
C. An R>1 approach
Let's break them down... 1/
A. An R<<1 approach means keeping R as low as possible with stringent measures until no local transmission. E.g. this is what Auckland and Melbourne did recently in response to a handful of new cases. 2/
B. An R<1 approach means keeping epidemic declining, although transmission may still continue for a long time as measures are relaxed. As coverage increases, vaccination could also 'buy' some additional reduction in R & allow more reopening under such an approach. 3/
What could happen next with novel variants like P.1 in the UK? There are four possible scenarios. A short thread with some thoughts... 1/
Scenario A: R<1 for both dominant B.1.1.7 variant and other variants of concern like P.1. This is likely situation we're currently in, but staying there is conditional on slow relaxation of control & substantial reduction in infectiousness via vaccines.
I sometimes see people making the mistaken assumption that once a group that make up X% of COVID hospitalisations/deaths are vaccinated, it will reduce hospitalisations/deaths by the same %, even if control measures are lifted. There are two main problems with this... 1/
First, there is a trade off between level of infection in the population and risk reduction through vaccination. Disease outcomes (e.g. hospitalisations/deaths) can broken down into the following: new infections x average-risk-per-infection... 2/
If we remove 50% of the hospitalisation risk within a population through vaccination, for example, but have a large increase in level of infection, it could mean no reduction (or even an increase) in overall hospitalisations... 3/
As with influenza, they find a 'ladder-like' phylogenetic tree, suggesting that new variants emerge, become dominant, then are gradually replaced by subsequent new variants. (Influenza A/H3N2 below right from:…) 3/
Suppose we have a SARS-CoV-2 variant that is inherently more transmissible, and another that is more likely to reinfect people who've previously developed immunity. Which will spread more easily? A thread... 1/
We know we can measure transmission using R, but it helps to break R down into four components - duration, opportunities, transmission probability and susceptibility - or 'DOTS' for short. As below describes, R = D x O x T x S. 2/
For example, if have a variant (call it V1) that is inherently better at transmitting during social interactions, it would mean an increase in 'T'. If it was 50% more likely to transmit per contact, we'd replace 'T' with '1.5 x T'... 3/