Yesterday I learned that my RAs didn't know how to change the color themes in excel - so they were stuck using the boring old DEFAULT excel colors. What a travesty! What are they teaching kids in school these days - cursive??? #AcademicTwitter#AcademicChatter
I thought I'd share here how to change the colors so your @Microsoft stuff can be prettier.
See that boringly colored graph? We are going to change that to be way prettier. First go to page layout. You then have two options - colors and themes.
When you choose themes, you get an array of different options!
Here I chose Ion Board (yeah, no clue) which gives a lovely array of pinks and peach. One challenge with themes though is the fonts and other styles can change. (see the font in the chart title).
Choosing a color scheme just affects the colors. Here I chose green yellow and it is a lovely array!
This is slipstream and this picture shows you all the colors and the possible shades. So much better than the microsoft default!
This is a presentation I did for our postdocs on applying for Ks. Given that they were already getting information on types of Ks, the forms, etc. I focused on my experiences. I also used questions from participants attending a K panel organized by @DrHaeny to focus this talk.
Warning: “At the end the person who invited me said, “Oh, I thought at first this was going to be a really depressing talk.” LOL. I tried to share my actual journey - not some glossy version of it. #AcademicTwitter#AcademicChatter
First I talked through my timeline. I started working on my K obscenely early. While I was waiting for my F32 to be funded, I took a class on NIH grant writing that required us to have a different section done each week to share and get feedback on.
A thread: In LGBT research, we often use what is called the "two step method" to measure gender identity. This means you ask about sex assigned at birth (the sex on the birth certificate) and gender identity (woman, man, trans, nonbinary, etc.). 1/17
When we did our study on the effects of the 2016 election on queer women and trans individuals, we just asked the latter - essentially, do you ID as a man, woman, transgender person, etc. (choose all that apply). 2/17
Reviewers of our publications didn't like that bc we didn't know if there might be, for example, people who ID'ed only as men who might also actually be transgender. Thus, we might be underreporting trans* people. 3/17
There has been a lot of criticism of the plan for WH staff to be among the first to get COVID vaccines - the idea being that they don't seem to believe in the virus (as evidenced by their super spreader events, etc.). And the president decided to postpone the vaccinations
But not everyone in the WH is there bc they support current president. There are staffers who work there regardless of who the president is-staffers who clean, protect, cook, etc. who really do deserve vaccines due to exposure.
If you plan to apply for an F31, F32, F99/K00 it's important to really think about & talk about money. This is not easy or comfortable - but it will save you a lot of stress later on. I'll explain in the next few tweets. Much of this may apply to T32s as well. /1
With an F32 or F31 (I'm less familiar with F99s, but am assuming they are similar), you get a stipend - and that money is set. For postdocs, you start out at level 0 most of the time, and then go up a level each year. So you get a bit more money each year, which is nice. /2
You get yearly institutional allowance-for postdocs that is $9,850 and for predocs it is $4,200. It is supposed to "defray" costs like for health insurance, travel, research supplies, etc. You also get money for tuition-for predocs it's $21,000 and for postdocs that is $4500. /3
I feel like one of the issues right now is that people have very mistaken ideas of what this virus is. We need to amplify voices of those who are sick and those who are taking care of them. I am on day 12 of what is likely COVID-19.
Yesterday my MD wanted me to go to the ED bc of concerns about my oxygen. I was very lightheaded - esp when I walked up a flight of stairs. I decided to just rest and see if things improved as I had had a very busy workday, and that may have been too much for me.
I felt better this morning - and feel even better this afternoon. My mom is still freaked out though and would likely feel much better if I did go get care. But I don't want to clog things up and I don't want to expose myself on the off-chance I don't have COVID-19.