Ok next up is the #5 Vampire Squid at the #1 Saber Toothed Anchovy #2021MMM
The squid arrived here after escaping from the basket star and the black dragonfish while the anchovy ignored the copepod and eviscerated the pink vent fish #2021MMM
Tonight's battle takes place in the warm shallow waters off of what would one day become Pakistan, and the sabretooth anchovy is on patrol #2021MMM
(or so we assume, we don't have full skeletons for these fish so we can only guess at their post-cranial bodies #2021MMM)
Magically transported (yes, looking at you YETI CRAB) back 54 million years, the Vampire Squid is in a new world #2021MMM
For all of its life, the Vampire Squid has wrapped itself in the deep see. The coldness & darkness are its shroud and its world, and now those are gone #2021MMM
Vampire Squid is in a world with new smells, new warmth & new life. And to you & me who are surface dwellers that may sound lovely to the vampire squid they are horrifying #2021MMM
The brightness is painful, as Vampire Squids have the proportionally largest eyes, the 6" long creature has 1" eyes #2021MMM
Temporarily blinded the vampire squid flails around, but because its body has spent its whole life at depth the change in pressure is causing bigger problems #2021MMM
So blinded, and feeling its body rapidly depressurizing the vampire squid is having a rough day, the only saving grace is that recent rains have made the shallow sea quite murky #2021MMM
The sabretooth anchovy has large eyes and we assume was a visually oriented predator and now it's seeing a whole lot of nothing #2021MMM
The anchovy is a member of Clupeiformes an order of fishes that are united by having their air bladder connected to their mouth, which allows them to burp their way to optimal buoyancy #2021MMM
And as noted in the species description, they possess an otophysic connection (Capobianco et al. 2020 bit.ly/2QsuvT4) which means that part of this gas bladder goes inside their skull #2021MMM
Where does it go? This section of the air bladder goes right up near the ears, and we think that it uses the gas bladder as a giant subwoofer collecting and magnifying low level sounds up to ultrasound at 100,000 Hz (Putland et al. 2019 bit.ly/39alch2) #2021MMM
Ultrasound noises like those made by thrashing prey.... #2021MMM
The sabretooth anchovy is able to locate the source of the vibration and glides closer, while the squid blinded and in pain from its organs expanding with no support is wracked in pain #2021MMM
In the end, the inevitable attack is really an act of mercy as the sabretooth anchovy uses its eponymous dentation to full extent #2021MMM
The murky brown water takes on a sheen of red and a silver flash of scales is the only evidence left... #2021MMM
Next up: 5th seeded Vampire Squid (Vampyroteuthis infernalis) vs. the 4th seeded Black Dragonfish (Idiacanthus atlanticus) #2021MMM
The Vampire Squid avoided the grasping vine like arms of the Basket Star while the Black Dragonfish consumed the nugatory nautical navigator the Blue Glaucus #2021MMM
Since both of these creatures inhabit the deep cold places of the earth's oceans home habitat may not be a huge factor. Vampire squids are found from 600-900m down while Dragonfish are found deeper up to 2000m down. #2021MMM
LAST UP: Alright, alright, alright the finale is the #13 Blue Glaucus vs the #4 Black Dragonfish #2021MMM
As you might guess from the scientific names of #13 Glaucus atlanticus and #4 Idiacanthus atlanticus tonight's battle is going to take place in.... The Atlantic. Specifcally about 1000 km south west from the Azores, at a depth of 1000m #2021MMM
The Blue Glaucus is a nudibranch, which is Greek for naked lung. They are a group of marine mollusks that are like snails that have lost their shells #2021MMM
NEXT UP: the #2 Caspian Seal vs. the #15 Common Kusimanse #2020MMM
Our first battle tonight takes us to the shores of Caspian Sea in Kazakhstan where the Caspian Seal is lounging on the shore sleeping off some herring #2020MMM
The Caspian Seal is tonight's first #Dogsish combatant. Seals (and sea lions) are caniforms. The seal, weighing in at 90kg depsite being only 1.3m long is a true chonk. So much to love #2020MMM
First up tonight we have the winner of the CAT-e-GORY division: the Sea Lion against the terrible TAG TEAM twosome. Individually they are the Mongoose and the Warthog, but you know them as theeee WARRRRRGOOSE #2019MMM
Tonight's battle again features a randomly selected habitat. Let's check the machine.. and it comes up with.... Oh folks this is interesting, tonight's battle takes place in the Thorn Forests of the Deccan Plateau in the Southwest of India #2019MMM (Img wikimedia)
Next up from the JUMP JUMP division, we have the #3 seeded Spinner Dolphin hosting the #10 seed 9-banded Armadillo #2019MMM
Both have traveled through ice and fire (or at least some salt water) to get here. Well where is here? Tonight we move from Sri Lanka to the waters off the coast of the Bahamas #2019MMM
We find our little armadillo out for a swim. Sure it's not the most graceful of all swimmers, but Armadillos are actually quite adept in the water bit.ly/2CzFHn1#2019MMM