Our last combatants of the night are the last of the titans from our Of Myths and Monsters division! Despite the #CARNAGE that has befallen the rest of the division, Harpy Eagle and Sphinx Monkey have each had their own charmed version of the Hero's Journey #2021MMM
On her journey to the #EliteTrait, Harpy eagle unwittingly dispatched Goliath beetle, snatched an #IncidentalMustelid feeding on Ghost Bat, and disemboweled the Devil Frog. #2021MMM
Meanwhile, Sphinx Monkey devoured Black and Red Bush Squirrel, watched Chimpanzee get smacked around by Harpy Eagle's cousin, and crunch-spat out the Ifrit. #2021MMM
Now, the largest, most powerful rainforest raptor faces off against the largest and heaviest living monkey... #2021MMM
In a teeny tiny forest!!
Tonights random #EliteTrait battle location is a dwarf/elfin forest! #2021MMM
Specifically, we're in one of the largest known dwarf forests - the dwarf forests of Mount Hamiguitan in Silangang Davao [Tagalog name; English: Davao Oriental] on the island of Mindanao in the Phillippines. #2021MMM [Pic: Remo Aguilar hikersitch.com/mountains/mt-h…]
This mountain range is protected as a Pambansang Liwasan ng Pilipinas [National Park of the Philippines] & @UNESCO World Heritage Site. This #BiodiversityHotspot is home to cousins of BOTH combatants: the Philippine tarsier & the Philippine eagle. #2021MMMkids.frontiersin.org/article/10.338…
However, in stark contrast to the lush rainforests both combatants are from, dwarf forests are much harsher environments. Dwarf forests are found at high elevations, where trees become stunted due to high wind & poor soil. #2021MMM [Pic: Sarah Jane Elizar journeyingsarah.blogspot.com/2011/06/mt-ham…]
Harpy eagles, unlike many other raptors, aren't built for soaring - they're built for moving from tree to tree in a dense rainforest and watching from prey from some of the tallest trees in the world. These itty bitty trees aren't great substitutes and she's agitated. #2021MMM
On cue, our massive male Mandrill wanders onto the scene. Where's all the food?? Half his normal diet is fruit, but all the colorful stuff he's finding are weird pitcher plants. (Tutin et al 1999) #2021MMMpubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9108968/
Mandrill barely has to look up to the top of the tiny tree canopy to see... THE BIGGEST CROWNED HAWK-EAGLE EVER!!! At least Mandrill would THINK it's a Crowned Hawk-Eagle... #HarpyEagle#2021MMM
Typically, when it comes to predatory raptors a Fully Operational Battle Station... I mean a Fully Adult Male Mandrill...only needs to be vigilant on behalf of the small kin of their group... #2021MMM
Harpy Eagle glowers down at the Mandrill. She hunts howler monkeys, she's heard worse. #2021MMM
She considers the angry mandrill. Yes, he's twice as big as her usual prey, but she's feeling peckish and this mandrill would easily feed her for a WEEK. (Aguiar-Silva 2014) #2021MMMdoi.org/10.3356/JRR-13…
As Mandrill advances on Harpy Eagle's tree, she takes flight! #WingSpan Mandrill shows he means business by slapping both hands on the ground in a fast movement while staring directly at the Harpy Eagle. #AngryTapDance (Setchell and Wickings 2005) #2021MMMdoi.org/10.1111/j.1439…
Mandrill charge-jumps in response, mouth agape and big canines exposed. Mandrill's trying to take a chunk out of Harpy Eagle's leg! #2021MMM [Pic: HeatherW on Flickr flickr.com/photos/heather…]
Harpy Eagle PIVOTS IN THE AIR by using her rudder like tail to avoid his attack and slashes at his back with her grizzly-bear-esque TALONS! #2021MMM
Mandrill stumbles, but he didn't earn Alpha picking daisies. His nose flames BRIGHT RED, signaling both his status & his current emboldened emotional level. (Setchell and Wickings 2005) #2021MMMdoi.org/10.1111/j.1439…
This ain't Fight or Flight... THIS IS FIGHT vs. FLIGHT FIGHT! #2021MMM
Mandrill springs up, shaking his fluffed up hair, sending splatters of blood flying. #2021MMM
Nostrils flared and canines bared, Mandrill lunges AGAIN... #2021MMM
MANDRILL's leap was angled away from Harpy Eagle so he could get into the dense cover of the short trees!! From above Harpy Eagle can't access Mandrill through the squat branches!!!! #2021MMM
NEXT UP: 6th seed Sphinx monkey (Mandrillus sphinx) vs. 11th seed Black and Red Bush Squirrel (Paraxerus lucifer) #2021MMM
Sphinx monkey is named after the sphinx, a mythical creature w/the body of a lion, wings of an eagle, and head of a person. Astute observers may recognize sphinx in hits like #2014MMM, #2017MMM, & as part of the seven Wonders of the Ancient World. [Pic: Clark & Kim Kays] #2021MMM
Sphinx were supposed to be intelligent & ferocious guards. It must be something about these monkey's colorful faces that just strikes us as wise - Rafiki, Simba's mentor in The Lion King, was also a sphinx monkey (or more commonly, mandrill). #2021MMM
5th seed Kinda Baboon (kin-duh, not kind-a) was only recognized as a distinct species from other baboons in 2013. Previously, it was thought they might be a subspecies of the yellow baboon. #2021MMMsmithsonianmag.com/videos/categor…
NEXT UP: 7th seeded Tayra (Eira barbara) VS 10th seeded Falanouc (Eupleres goudotii) #2020MMM
Bushdog, irara, gato negro, perro de monte, lepasil, tayra. Our first combatant is a #MustelidofManyNames - every country in its range has their own name. The genus alludes to this: Eira is Guarani [indigenous language spoken by peoples of Bolivia/Paraguay] for tayra. #2020MMM
NEXT UP: 3rd seed Bearcat (Arctictis binturong) vs. 6th seed Lion-Tailed Macaque (Macaca silenus)! #2019MMM
Last round we saw our mammalian #AltCat contestants "triumph" over their herp competitors: Lion-Tailed Macaque held a long protective vigil until the Cat Snake departed for tastier pastures, and Bearcat took a tumble out of a fig tree directly onto Leopard Tree Frog. #2019MMM
Lion-tailed macaques are highly endemic to the Western Ghats - India's monsoon-pattern-changing-mountain chain with forests older than the Himalayas & biodiversity up the wazoo (a UNESCO World Heritage Site!) #2019MMMtimesofindia.indiatimes.com/home/environme…
NEXT UP: 2nd seed West Indian Manatee (Trichechus manatus) vs. 10th seed Aquatic Genet (Genetta piscivora) #2019MMM
In the first round of the Waterfalls Division, we saw Manatee triumph over the Ring-tailed Vontsira via nibble and Aquatic Genet eek out a victory over the Marine Otter thanks to a close encounter of the orca kind. #2019MMM
We again find Manatee facing off against a much smaller furry reddish opponent. Will the extra three stoats the Aquatic Genet has on the Vontsira be the key to victory?? #SoVeryDifferent#SuchAdvantage#2019MMM
FIRST UP: 1st seed Plains Zebra (Equus quagga) and Yellow-Billed Oxpecker (Buphagus africanus) vs 16th seed Batfly (Penicillidia jenynsii) and Gammaproteobacteria #2019MMM
Today's first battle pits two of the most classic mutualisms against one another. When I say classic, I mean so classic that there's actually a picture of a zebra and an oxpecker next to the definition of mutualism on Google. #2019MMM
This mutualistic relationship is very clear: oxpecker gets to make a meal of all the ticks and other harmful parasites trying to take advantage of the zebra, and the zebra gets to avoid the horrifying fate of a "ghost moose". #TrypophobicsBeware#2019MMMnews.nationalgeographic.com/2015/06/150601…