.@allanbreports I'm looking at the "GUNSIGHT" silver mine in Arizona. It's in the TOHONO O'ODHAM NATION property. Respect. The patented mining claims and patented mill site (with water) bring certain rights within the US legal system. I need special advisor @allanbreports ?
Looks like 1.5 miles from highway 86 to GUNSIGHT ridge. That's 2.5km highway to old GUNSITE MILL? Pretty nice location. And it has "water rights"?
What does 8 mining claims and a mill site look like here? 150 acres?
The AJO MINE open pit is +600 acres. 4x the size of GUNSIGHT SILVER claims? What does 500m of strike look like at my hypothetical GUNSIGHT location? The old timers did a good job of covering the ore body...
Is there an untapped market opportunity around premium mineral exploration ground in the USA covered by patented claims? #NewtonDeals
What does that look like here?
A little steeper than my first line, but in the same ball park...
.@WillIrvine GUNSIGHT looks something like this. N25E strike as per USGS record.
Development status: Producer
Commodity type: Both metallic and non-metallic
Deposit size: Small
Significant: No
Year of first production: 1881
Year of last production: 1965
85 years of production is significant. High-grade is good.
(No tungsten mentioned?)
Looks like GUNSIGHT mine is way "under-studied" ?
Valuation of patented claims? $NEE produced $300K profit per acre over 3 years mining from 200 acres patented claims? Ballpark?
$ORA has the PARA RESOURCES economic study showing $80M NPV. On c. 150 acres at the GOLD ROAD mine? Say $500K NPV per acre?
Big payoffs possible?
How do you model an old mine? The $ORA GOLD ROAD MINE probably has a strong "supergene enrichment zone", which is good. Means more high-grade possible. But where is it? Along strike at groundwater. Present water table or paleo water table?
(How can we be talking about 100 acres for $1.5M? And isn't that USD anyway? Does something like this ever work? Depends on your finding and production costs ... )
I'm more bullish on Saskatchewan than any place in the world, basically. Really! In a global, comprehensive, top-to-bottom analysis, I don't know of any other place that I like better.
There is no other place where I have had more wins consistently throughout my career than Saskatchewan with me being 35 years old and doing this for over a decade in whatever way you want to define what it is that I'm doing now.
It's funny to think that we talked about that research funding -- as I move forward in the junior mining business, I look at the opportunities with that stuff again and again.
Over in the southeast, we are the only landholder of note. The Bengough land package near the town of Bengough is where we're going to go after we're done with Climax.
We already have 3d seismic in place over the Bengough project and we'll be completing the aeromagnetics here in the spring and summer with a view to getting on the ground to start drilling in the fall.
As I mentioned, the highest known concentrations of helium are located in this part of the province. It has not been developed or explored specifically for helium yet. We will be the first.
"Bulk mineralized zones have been identified at Roberto Tovar where three close-spaced, parallel high-angle veins and internal wall rock show composited grades of 18 metres of 450 eq g Ag/t." I like that.
"Drilling continues to prove up confidence at Santa Ana," commented Outcrop Chief Executive Officer Joseph Hebert. "We have drilled the best holes yet, while still early in our exploration program. We are excited about potential as mineralization remains open in all directions."
0.95m with 69.6 g/t Au and 5,550 g/t Ag? Zn 3%.
Gold-equivalent of 147.6 g/t and silver-equivalent of 10,784? OK! Hello @OutcropGold
@bill3658 this picture is impressive. Thanks @OminecaMining for first geological map of WINGDAM. Great to stacked geological horizons marked out. Amazing to see how close the local mines are to geological contacts...
PHR - Harvey's Ridge.
HR- Ramos.
Important rock units in Cariboo orogenic gold models. Thanks @GeoscienceBC !
2/ The roots of the porphyry system are exposed at surface approximately 8 kilometers west of their exploration area and the top of the system was split from the roots by a fault.
3/ The deposit of interest is concentrated in the top of the system and it was either moved downwards and preserved under the valley, or moved up and eroded away.