An interesting paper in Italian about the role of librarians in developing #opendata literacies by @Orrudamiano - Open data steward: bibliotecari e alfabetizzazione ai dati aperti…
Also from Italy, and curated by the fabulous @VBazzarin Le competenze open data. Percorsi per la comprensione dei dati. (Open data skills, routes for understanding data)…
We have been talking with different projects and researchers working on critical - data literacies so this week we will make it an unofficial #DataLiteracyWeek and showcase some of the best papers, books, people, projects and toolkits #DataPraxis#OpenData (share yours too) #OER
Thinking through Visualizations: Critical Data Literacy Using Remittances by Celia Emmelhainz, Erin Pappas & Maura Seale…