Today is day 2 of 28 where the public in Ontario will engage in societal level fantasy. After 13 months of undoubtedly the worst public health response in Canadian history, another propaganda campaign is starting to convince you a "Miracle" is at hand...1/
It is a childish stunt, part of a script written long ago, by public health and the pseudo academics on the Ontario Science Table. The truth is immaterial, used when convenient and ignored otherwise. Facts will be fabricated faster than they can be debunked......2/
The plot of this "B" script is simple enough, a plague runs amok, the peasants live in fear. Leaders do their best while scientists beaver away producing a miracle cure. Life will reemerge and be affirmed. Seems to me, we're about 90 min through this tedious 120 min movie....3/
Lets think rationally as to science and politics, hopefully ending this sorbid movie. Respiratory viruses are seasonal, their cycles predictable. Ontario's "flu season" has two subcycles. A large rise (Dec-Feb) and a smaller one (mid March-April). C19 is a respiratory virus..4/
It's not surprising, unless you're a writer of this "B" script, that a second seasonal subcycle is now occurring. Plenty of noise from the usual carnival barkers but not to worry. The subcycle is normal, the manner in which its used to manipulate the public is not......5/
The current lockdown was planned months ago and it was the worst kept secret in gov't. Many of us foolishly believed science would sway gov't policy, but as noted, the truth is now immaterial. It is a sad fact but one we must accept.....6/
Ontario's science table revealed this in spades this week, openly presenting false information to the public. It was readily debunked, just like its childish modeling attempts before. It was a poor display of academics that shouldn't be repeated....7/
The current lockdown, unsupported by serious science does serve political goals. Lets go through them.
1) Seasonality ensures that "cases" will drop in April. A lockdown now ensures gov't can claim an easy victory. Its dishonest but gov't needs to rebuild credibility.. ..8/
2) An arbitrary lockdown plays into the fear narrative pedalled by public health. It is part of their antiquated coercive plan to increase vaccination. While legal, it is nothing short of disgusting and it rots the core of public health and society....9/
3) As to mass vaccination, cases could rise in the short term. This has been seen in many countries (not all) and its scientific foundation is unclear. Perhaps public health is getting ahead of this issue and wants to be seen as proactive. Locksdown of course won't stop it...10/
4) Lockdown would allow cover for Canada's most naive public health officer (Dr. deVilla) to reverse course from her wildly unsuccessful 5 month lockdown of Toronto. Clearly, one of the worst decisions on record....11/
There are surely other reasons but those are what come to mind. Lets hope this is the start of the end. The public doesn't need to see the director's cut of this low quality film. Time to end the silly stunts from an infantilized public health community. End.
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Lively good friday dinner with family. A few thoughts for the C19 lockdowner crowd.
1) You've definately lost the 80+ grandmother crowd. When they say "its bullshit" they mean it. They might get winded carrying a pitch fork but they vote and there angry.
2) Engineer class. Definately not keen about lockdowns. Every second sentence-"Does anyone in public health know how to problem solve?" None wear masks at work and hot tip- neither do teachers once the kiddies leave.
Mildly disturbing- they are applying for green cards.
3) Only thing less popular than cold broccoli with cheeze are virtue signalers. Suggestion from the grandmother crowd- "Doctors from Toronto should work in the fields for a week or two". Hard labor is apparently a cure-all for everything, including poor social media behavior.
Time to call a spade a spade. There's no evidence linking lockdown and C19 hospitalization/deaths. Science has shown this repeatedly. Our politicians and science table however ignore evidence and engages in a process the British Medical Journal has labeled social murder. 1/
A month long lockdown will lead to the social murder of our youth and our vulnerable. We know this but those in power don't care. You see, they play a sick brand of politics and the dead are just pawns to be toyed with. 2/
If justice were served, every leader, every cabinet member, every science panel member would be required to attend the funerals of the dead and acknowledge that human potential had be crushed at the alter of anodyne theory. 3/
Every monday, I will remind you of one simple fact.
C19 is the single largest, social policy disaster in Canadian history.
This unexplainable blunder was enabled by a public health community that is intellectually weak and administratively incompetent. 1/
Those in charge know this. Thus, intertwined with the C19 theatrics is a desperate attempt by:
1) academics to restore shattered reputations,
2) public health officials to show the destruction was worth it,
3) politicians trying to preserve the foundation of governance. 2/
The rest is theatre, albeit a dangerous one, exploited by opportunists and commercial interests.
Our experts are cornered and scared. Vaccines are their only way out which explains the bizarre, over the top obsession with a rather dull mitigation tool. 3/
Martin Kuldorff has been a rational voice throughout the C19 response. Especially noteworthy has been his 12 forgotten principles of public health. They are worth reading and they remind you of how public health should work. 1/
One of the key principles is "Trust" and my question today is whether you trust public health. My answer is an emphatic "No" and it is unlikely to return for quite some time. Let's explore this in more detail. 2/
One can compile a laundry list of untrustworthy behavior but this video of Nick Hudson (Pandata19) at a recent biz conference sums it up nicely in a global context. My favorite paraphrase follows. 3/
C19 has revealed a remarkable inability of mainstream media to inform. A lack of data literacy lies at the heart of the problem. On occasion, one does find a serious journalistic effort, particularly one that lays bare the emptiness of Canada's C19 response......1/
Let's consider Chris Shelley's recent article in the NP. The writer makes two well crafted points through a simple presentation of data. Those points revolve around LTC facilities and Canada's inability to protect the vulnerable.....2/
He makes a serious point. Canada was a bottom dweller and if we achieved an LTC safety standard akin to Germany, there would have been no pandemic. C19 deaths would have averaged 7500 a year, roughly in line with the flu. We wouldn't have noticed....3/
This thread reminds us of public health's unbroken string of policy failure and their inflexibility to change. We are witnessing large scale technocratic failure across governments and nations. This is extremely dangerous. Where does this lead and what are the solutions. 1/
The time for pleasantries is over. Public health has been dangerously wrong from the beginning. They failed to understand the viral threat, failed to educate themselves, threw away historical knowledge and shattered society with quack science.....2/
Instead of acknowledging failure and enabling course correction, public health trapped society into an economic death spiral. This trap arose in two sequential steps. 3/