This thread reminds us of public health's unbroken string of policy failure and their inflexibility to change. We are witnessing large scale technocratic failure across governments and nations. This is extremely dangerous. Where does this lead and what are the solutions. 1/
The time for pleasantries is over. Public health has been dangerously wrong from the beginning. They failed to understand the viral threat, failed to educate themselves, threw away historical knowledge and shattered society with quack science.....2/
Instead of acknowledging failure and enabling course correction, public health trapped society into an economic death spiral. This trap arose in two sequential steps. 3/
First, there was the passive acceptance of the sunk cost fallacy. Simply put, on signs of failure, public health argued they were righteously correct and for society not to turn its back. Indeed, everyone should double down on investment......4/
It was an expedient argument which politicians willingly accepted. The sunk cost fallacy is akin to a failed general forever blaming their defeats not on the battle plan but on the lack of materials and men.....5/
This tragic error deepened the downward spiral. Failures accelerated and the collateral damage began overwhelming all aspects of society. This is where the second step now appeared. An active purposely coverup to deflect from technocratic incompetence.....6/
This step coincides with elevated societal repression, with blame metered out to everyone but the powerful. They are either looking for closure or they see no way out. As experience reveals, the rate of failure accelerates further and that is real danger....7/
We could be heading straight into a complete system wide failure. No one knows for sure as public health has become an opaque black hole. The structure and the people within have fossilized. How does society effect change? 8/
Activism is essential, civil demonstrations/disobedience is a requirement. Relentlessly demands for public inquiries with the teeth to address technocratic incompetence. Most importantly, the scientists and MOHs who enabled this disaster must be replaced.....9/
There is no time to waste. The time is now to engage and brings this dangerous calamity to an end....10/
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C19 has revealed a remarkable inability of mainstream media to inform. A lack of data literacy lies at the heart of the problem. On occasion, one does find a serious journalistic effort, particularly one that lays bare the emptiness of Canada's C19 response......1/
Let's consider Chris Shelley's recent article in the NP. The writer makes two well crafted points through a simple presentation of data. Those points revolve around LTC facilities and Canada's inability to protect the vulnerable.....2/
He makes a serious point. Canada was a bottom dweller and if we achieved an LTC safety standard akin to Germany, there would have been no pandemic. C19 deaths would have averaged 7500 a year, roughly in line with the flu. We wouldn't have noticed....3/
Science is transformative when its power is used wisely to guide public policy. Its not easy to harness but on occasion, you find someone with the essential leadership skills. Let us consider the case of Gov Desantis of Flordia. 1/
Gov DeSantis broke from orthodoxy in Sept 2020, rejecting lockdowns, masks and social distancing to implement a traditional but enlightened public health approach to C19. It was grounded on sound epidemiological principles, later expressed in the Great Barington Declaration. 2/
The policy was implemented to the consternation of the chattering class. Risk groups were identified, focused protection applied and a risk based vaccination process put into action. Schools and businesses were opened and the state flourished. 3/
The C19 response in Canada has been a tragic debacle that will impoverish this nation. At the heart of this disaster was wild exaggeration of viral threats which now scar society. It never had to happen and the science reveals that. Let's dig a bit deeper. 1/
This recent paper looking at seroprevalence peaked my interest again. It's a clever study that argues that 90% of Canadians have pre existing co-immunity to C19. Antibodies in adult sera recognize four surface proteins on c19 including Spike. 2/
The authors argue that co-immunity results from previous coronavirus infections. Note, these values starkly contrast the now forgotten seroprevalence work of Canadian Blood Services which argued for 1-2% seroprevalence. Why the difference? ....3…
A debate rages in the British Medical Journal on the concept of "Social Murder". A firm definition has yet emerge but it entails:
A person in authority, coercing public action, under the guise of public health, that is knowingly murderous based on available evidence. ....2/
Certainly, murder in its various forms has been carefully codified by the legal profession. So why not "Social Murder"? Is their a group of enterprising lawyers who would like to take on the task? ......3/
This beautiful bit of data from Michigan, a state next to Ontario (my province) nicely shows you everything. C19 hit populated areas first in spring and more rural areas the following season. You can see, seasonality, regionality, and herd immunity. The virus is now endemic.
So, a virus will be a virus. It will spread where it wants and we see its impact when in season. You can pretend to control it with lockdowns, masks and the other silly nonsense. It doesn't care about your feelings or what you think.
We were told this would happen by the likes of @FatEmperor and Anders Tegnell. But the powers to be, hired people to discredit them saying they were dangerously misinformed. They weren't but took the abuse anyways. There is a price to be paid for being right.
Many have watched in horror as an undisciplined group of cloistered academics/public health officials blundered their way across the social, economic and educational landscape of the country. Edict by heresay, hunches and ignorant modeling.
Blunder after blunder rolled on, no transparency or accountability, as our public health community and political class silenced dissent through crude propaganda and the regressive application of behavioral psychology. It was disgusting.