[LIVE] #LOONA Frequency of the Moon Ep 49

Heejin seen in chat a few minutes before the show

Heejin starts the show talking about how people didn't believe it was her in chat, she wonders if it's because she doesn't often leave comments in chat.

Heejin has eaten already

Heejin: I miss Orbits a ton. Orbits probably won't know how much I've wanted to do FOTM...
Any April Fools Day Pranks?
Heejin actually forgot it was 4/1 on that day.
She realized on 4/2, "oh it was April Fools yesterday huh?"
She didn't get pranked either. She wonders if anyone even did any pranks this year and can't think of anything, the guest agrees.

She reads chat saying how 01ers tricked orbits instead.
The story is about the guest's hairstyle. She thinks she looks best with plain hair, but wonders how/if it could be made to look good with other styles too.
Today's guest is Jinsoul
During Voice promos, she thinks the straight simple hair looked the best. Not too many decorations. But since she has black hair, it's more of an issue for her.

People are divided on whether blonde or black is better, she thinks that's more so because of how simple the style is
Jinsoul's thinking about warm tone cool tone and what hair color fits with that, Heejin says not to worry so much about that.

They read something in chat about a wig
They got a wig with bangs, and seeing the members try it, Jinsoul thinks Heejin definitely shouldn't have bangs
Heejin agrees, and that's why she hasn't had bangs in 20 years
Hyunjin in chat: recommend me something for dinner please

Heejin reads this in chat.

Jinsoul had steak&pasta for dinner.
Heejin: Hyunjin? Rose jjimdak?
Heejin remembers how Hyunjin talked about rose jjimdak to her too like (in hushed tone) "have you tried rose jjimdak...?"
They read something in chat but they don't know what "buzz cut" (english or directly transcribed) means

Jinsoul: Would you... Like this style?
Heejin: Won't they just going to unstan then??

They talk about cyworld (T/N: think Korea's myspace-era)
Jinsoul seeing chat talk about these older Korean websites/programs
"I don't think Orbits are thaaat young, seeing them talk about all these..."

Heejin's heard of some of these, but never really used them herself.
Talking about school Jinsoul says it's only been two years since she went to college...

Heejin says college is different from high school though so it's different.
Jinsoul: anyways we were all students~
Heejin's been really into a drink lately, it's iced tea with an extra shot added. Hyeju and Yves suggested it to her.

Heejin: you know I'm not into beverages though right
Jinsoul: But you're totally into strawberry lattes nowadays too..

Heejin: yeah that too now but--
Jinsoul tries Heejin's drink and says it's the worst thing ever
Heejin: oh this is because the ice has melted.
Earlier they did pizza vs burger and they both picked pizza. They wouldn't ever buy a burger really.
Jinsoul would get pizza once in a very long while
Heejin might steal a piece from Lip if she gets one
Jinsoul would rather just stick with normal iced tea.
Jinsoul says how Heejin knows all the good restaurants are.
Heejin says she has them all saved on her map app.

Hyunjin announces that she ordered spicy korean chicken stew / braised spicy chicken (dak-bokkeum-tang)
They talk about how over-enthusiastic they got in the MBTI interview that was published recently - Jinsoul says a lot of things were cut in the final version, actually

Jinsoul says she's ISFJ
Heejin: what does that mean
Jinsoul: well idk if you ask like that...
Heejin said the interview was cut in a way she didn't expect, the interview made it seem like she would get heartstruck (like romantically) by those who aren't interested in her, but during the interview, it was more in the context of making new friends (not in a romantic sense).
Jinsoul met up with her friends yesterday and they talked about mbti when they hung out too...
Jinsoul says she's a really bad liar. Rather than that she would just not say anything.
They both don't lie to their parents, even.
They figure they'll get in bigger trouble later if/when they get caught.

Even lies for the other person's good, if the other finds out, it could be an issue later.
Jinsoul - Heejin kakaotalks are awlays like this, according to Heejin:
*Jinsoul yells*
Heejin: it's like, can I have a drink of this?

Jinsoul: but there was one thing that was different recently.
Jinsoul: "can I have one of your homerun balls" (a chocolate-filled snack)
Heejin: just have it!

Heejin: it's always like: "can I have this?" "yea"
Jinsoul offered to split the things she ate/drank but the things she ate were really cheap anyways like $2.50.

Hyunjin keeping us updated on what she's having for dinner in chat, Jinsoul reads this and thinks about how it's not asking questions or contributing to the show...
Someone called their dorm messy in chat
Heejin: is it..?
Jinsoul says it's not that bad compared to the number of members living there, particularly talking about the closet

Heejin's avocado stopped growing a few days ago. "Next life, I hope you meet a better owner..."
Jinsoul watched "Wonder" (2017). She watched it at 3-4 AM or something, and she said it's about someone getting bullied for a condition. When she went to sleep after seeing that movie, she dreamt that she got bullied too.
Songs they've been listening to:
Jinsoul: The same songs that she said in her last fotm actually

Heejin: Chris Brown "Next to you", and lately, YooA "Bon Voyage" which she attributes maybe to spring coming.
They laugh about the "view from the sink" from which Vivi watched the flower petals fall while doing dishes.

Jinsoul's favorite flowers are tulips, and Everland theme park has a Tulip festival going on. She'd love to go but she think it's too crowded these days.
Jinsoul still plays that makeover game. She adds lots of random friends on that game to get hearts since the game doesn't give many of those out.

She's on level 400something now.

Now she's been playing animal crossing on her phone, which apparently you can do
Jinsoul: gray hoodie, black sweats
Heejin: gray sweats, rider jacket

Heejin plays a diff game now, but it's similar. Jinsoul said she deleted that game.
Heejin: I'm level 1100something... So you're in the 400s huh
Jinsoul: Oh I'm jealous
Heejin wanted to say that she couldn't hear herself very well through her in-ear monitors. (this is kcontact, I think)

Jinsoul heard Heejin practicing IU - Not spring[...] and just thought to herself "oh she must just be practicing because it's spring huh"
But she practiced it so much...
Heejin says the cookies at kcontact were amazing
Jinsoul says kcontact felt so short
Jinsoul had an English lesson today as well

Jinsoul talks about the fanletters talking about their everyday lives, but then she likes this. She finds the letter-senders impressive since she finds it hard to write letters for FOTM, not knowing what to write about.
Heejin says there were lots of first-time senders lately. And a lot of them say "idk what to say but..." which is endearing.
Jinsoul prefers plain hairstyles so she thinks it might be easier just to change her hair color with that simple style. She's been into navy hair lately, but talking about dyeing again, if that color doesn't look good, what then? So she's thinking a lot about it.
Jinsoul: Not that it matters since I don't really have a choice when that happens, but~
Jinsoul talks about how her selfie angles are always the same so maybe it could look just like copy+paste every time...
Jinsoul: So maybe I do need to change my hair...
During the MBTI interview the camera was on her left. Jinsoul's mom saw the vid and said "wow your face looks really unfamiliar from that side"

Jinsoul has Heejin look to compare - Heejin thinks both sides are pretty
They haven't gone outside much at all lately

They talk about lighter / summer clothes, which they haven't needed to buy because (see above).
Jinsoul says the temperature diff is really big these days, so if you wear clothes when it's warm it could end up being really cold later
How they save contacts:
Both of them save LOONA members like:
🌙firstname (last name not included)
The downside is like, you might get confused later. Not among the members, but with people you might contact once in a while.
(Jinsoul saves her friends without last names too)

Heejin says that sometimes she calls really close friends with their full name too though.
Jinsoul doesn't like fans saying Jung Jinsol that much though
Whereas Heejin likes when fans call her Jeon Heejin

Jinsoul says it feels really stiff when people call her Jung Jinsol in general. Heejin wonders if it's because of the name.
Story: When Jinsoul's dad made her bank account a long time ago, he made her account password "pretty-sol" so when she went to the bank she'd have to tell the bank teller the password... "pretty-sol" which was embarrassing
The two of them sometimes check out their namuwiki articles
They both say their elementary-middle schools are a bit off though
(Then Jinsoul tells the schools)
Jinsoul: Please update those.
Heejin says her elementary school too.
Jinsoul accidentally said her older brother's name earlier today and it's already on the wiki article
She also corrects a typo in the school name that the fans just added too

Jinsoul: Oh I really like the weight and heights listed for me~!
They're both impressed at how fast the fans updated their namuwiki articles
"what's your height? be honest"
Jinsoul: It's similar to what's on there! Like 1cm difference. I seem tall though, maybe it's because of my long neck. My pilates teacher thought I was 168!
Heejin: ??? Nahh

Heejin thinks she looks shorter than she is.
Jinsoul says she's the same as Hyeju, and shorter than Yves.
But Heejin says that Hyeju's always hunched over, so when they get her to straighten out her back she gets a lot taller

Jinsoul says both she and Hyeju hunch over often.
Jinsoul: Oh my height got updated (on namuwiki)? Aw.. I talked about this for no reason... Awww they shrunk my height~
Heejin: you can just grow then. Have a lot of milk.
Heejin wonders if milk actually makes you grow taller.

Jinsoul: but doesn't everyone get them in elementary school?
Jinsoul: I think it's almost all genetics though.
Heejin: same. I had a ton of milk too, so...

Heejin says her unnies are way taller than she is.
Heejin didn't sleep early when she was a kid, like 9 years old, though, she'd watch anime on TV until really late.

She says there were lots of fun animes past midnight. Like one from greek/roman myth adaptations, [so on]
Jinsoul wonders if that's why Heejin's eyes are bad

They both agree that height's not that important anyways.
Jinsoul wanted glasses when she was young and watched the TV upclose and tried to worsen her eyesight on purpose to get glasses

Heejin: "If only we had known about glasses w/o lenses..."
Jinsoul says a lot of people talked about her, wondering whether she got plastic surgery - even among people she knew, before debut, like middle-high school days, with people she knew.
She says the difference w/ and w/o glasses and change in hair was massive (and dieting), one boy who used to tease her in middle school asked for her number in high school without even realizing it was her, the same person. Her parents had trouble finding her in graduation photos
Then they talk about graduation photos

Jinsoul: If I took them now... I'd probably take them from this angle~~
They talk about facial definition and Heejin envies Jinsoul's jawline - Jinsoul says one side seems more sharp than the other, and she sleeps on the left side of her face to keep the other side's jawline more defined
Heejin's game sounds for Sudden Attack
Jinsoul said she did so well, she found it fascinating
Heejin said she had fun
Jinsoul says Heejin looked super super tall in the game lol
Chuu went first in the recording since Heejin went to the bathroom. Heejin worried whether she'd get pressured because Chuu did so well, like a real voice actor. Heejin thinks Chuu would do really well in an anime voiceover
Heejin even took video of Chuu during the voice recordings for the game.

And the Heejin/Chuu magazineshoot - that's when Heejin got obsessed about strawberry lattes, she says. She tried one there and immediately started craving another.
Jinsoul gongcha rec: Banana yogurt smoothie
Jinsoul: and mint choco smoothie. I think I'm on team mint chocolate. After I tried gongcha's mint choco smoothie I think I'm in. The freshness you get after, was great.
She tried a single scoop of BR31's Mint choc bonbon: they're supposed to have chocolate balls in them, but there was a SINGLE chocolate ball which was so upsetting.

The two of them are both on team mint chocolate
Heejin: You can't beat team mint chocolate!!
Jinsoul likes pineapple pizza
Her big brother hates it
Heejin thinks it's alright.

Jinsoul says it's better for digestion too.
Like with meat in general.
Heejin: right like steaks with grilled pineapple
(Note: Pretty-sol is... obviously no longer Jinsoul's bank pw)

Heejin talks about trying different types of pizza like mango pizza, blueberry pizza...

Jinsoul doesn't like overtly sweet things.

Jinsoul likes freezing mandarins to eat. So does Heejin
Jinsoul: Freezing bananas also good for eating too.
Heejin: Yeah. And freezing grapes too.

(Now they're talking about Korean beverages that are also very divisive)
Jin ramen vs Shin ramen
Jinsoul: Shin ramen
Heejin: Shin ramen

Jinsoul can't handle spicy food THAT well, she likes kinda spicy food though. She just doesn't want to feel like she's in pain while eating.
Coconut milk: Heejin likes, Jinsoul dislikes.
Jinsoul tried Zico coconut water and was just shocked.
Heejin likes coconut water now. It helps with whenever her face gets puffy.
Jinsoul: thank goodness I don't really get that puffy...
When Heejin she went to Brazil ages ago, there had these coconut trucks, and they'd just stuck a straw in a whole coconut and hand that to you. Heejin says it's different, super sweet, and that anyone would like it.
Jinsoul: ah, I wouldn't know about that.
Heejin has tried guarana before and liked it.
Jinsoul's never had it
Heejin's surprised at how fast time went by during FOTM, and repeats about how it's been so long since she was on FOTM

Heejin's song rec for Jinsoul's story:
OEC - Sweet Crazy Love
Because she really liked her hairstyle at the time.
Heejin listened to SCL recently too.
Jinsoul often listens to their songs.

They say the intro's really nice.
Jinsoul thinks doing something like SCL as OT12 could be really nice too.
They tell Orbits to stay warm and thanks for tuning in
Jinsoul says good night in advance but it sounds kinda like "gukbap (soup rice) in advance" and they (along with chat) just roll with it for the closing line

• • •

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Jinsoul: We never expected it.
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Go Won: winter
Olivia Hye: summer
Yves: fall

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1 Apr
[LIVE] #LOONA #이달의소녀 Frequency of the Moon Ep 48

Olivia Hye says the weather was great today. There's a cherry blossom tree in front of their dorm and with the nice breeze today, she found it pretty to look at.

She said she just wore a tshirt on the way to bbc and back today but it was still pretty hot today.
Real Yves and Go Won in chat today
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w/ @loonatheworld Heejin and Chuu skins

#LOONA #이달의소녀

#LOONA #이달의소녀

#LOONA #이달의소녀
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30 Mar
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The ep ends on a cliffhanger again during the challenge (earlier, the staff said they'd let them see the challenge)
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29 Mar
Suggestion from chat: try writing in you diary in English to practice

They don't like that pressure

They like the suggestion of just drawing a picture in their diary.

Suggestion: Take a photo and write under it
Yves: but I have to print it out then...
Go Won suggests using an app
Yves: but then it won't look pretty or anything
Go Won: unnie are you that kind of person..?

Suggestion: unnie use whatever app you used to edit your vlog
Yves: oh what a good idea [lighthearted sarcasm]
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