In 2002, Mike Hackett (convicted cocaine trafficker) was pushing to have his own @CityofSalinas Airport Hanger - just like Tanimura & Antle, and D'Arrigo Farms
Word on the street back then was Hackett was storing a Ferrari in a hanger at the airport and routinely made trips to
Vegas in a plane that was made available to him - one question is whose plane was it and what hanger did Hackett park his Ferrari?
On or around the same year, 2002, Hackett was forced out of Valley Pallet (a business his father and mother created) for "unknown reasons".
Just 8 years later (2010) as Marijuana legalization is on the table and coming to California, Hackett is well positioned to become MoCo's #Marijuana kingpin - he used money to buy greenhouses when the flower growers were going bankrupt from increased competition.
By 2016, as Salinas/Monterey County (and all of California) are preparing for the legal market (and all the bribery and corruption that brings with politicians who make the regulations) allowing their benefactors choice seats at the table - Hackett is at the
head of the table.
Hackett is bragging about bribing @SupervisorAlejo and other politicians after he is arrested in Hollister CA for moving cocaine - Mike Hackett is convicted and now becomes a convicted felon!
What happened locally?
The same politicians Hackett brags
about bribing CHANGE THE RULES to eliminate background checks on marijuana producers, cultivators and dispensers in the new "legal" realm.
@CityofSalinas Mayor and former @SalinasPD cop - JOE GUNTER writes a "reference letter" for Hackett to use in his trial felony case.
Because Monterey County's most powerful AG and tourism
interests are behind the curtain investors (ie. planning on making big billions in MoCo marijuana) and those interests are well insulated from exposure - and have been for decades.
Laurie Smith, Santa Clara's long term Sheriff is under continued investigation by @SantaClaraDA for corruption.
Monterey County's @SheriffBernal who was a deputy, backed by $1,000,000 of partially #DarkMoney to become sheriff so @MCoSheriff could continue enabling
large criminal operations in insular MoCo - is under @FBI investigation for corruption and it goes all the to @FBIWFO@TheJusticeDept review.
Missing and declared dead since 1992 - Brian Montes got involved with Monterey County's drug dealing and money laundering crowd.
@SalinasPD's Joe Gunter was the Detective who just couldn't seem to figure out who murdered and disappeared the 1987 Salinas High School
graduate - turned produce broker - turned truck broker.
The @salnews piece describes a drug dealer who was living in #Salinas when arrested in December of 1993 - after being tried in absentia in Yuma Arizona and convicted May 14, 1992. Montes wore a wire.
Montes got
people on tape.
The @salnews piece also describes a Brian Montes as someone who worked for a Truck Broker in Hollister CA - what the piece doesn't say is Montes had set up his own Truck Brokerage in Salinas prior to his disappearance and presumed murder.
... and Salinas Mayor @kimbleycraig took over $40,000 in campaign cash from @SalinasPolice and Joe Gunter the former Mayor of @CityofSalinas (and supporter of narco-traffickers)
a nearly limitless budget for @MontereyPolice (though MPD seems unable to address real and serious crime like narco-trafficking and money laundering by the who's who in that city.
And here is Joe Gunter, ret. cop, writing a love letter to a drug dealer:
and here is a corrupt former @MCoSheriff commander Mike Richards asking permission to hang out with a multiple times convicted narco-trafficker "friend" of his in 2003.
This is long term and wide spread police misconduct that has rarely been addressed (but for 2011-2014)
Here is the problem, @GavinNewsom - California is awash in corruption.
You have said absolutely nothing about the corruption - the recall may have begun as a right-wing zero campaign but, like the last recall, which put in @Schwarzenegger, your recall is about more now.
and it will grow to become more than just a farce. Once qualified it's a real issue - for you.
@TomSteyer will jump in and then it's an entirely different thing.
Here is something no one wants to talk about openly, including @cmarinucci.
The entire pardon was rigged and involved some of the biggest players in California politics - including right-wing county supervisor "Judge" John Phillips.
... also you just appointed a 43 year old white woman to a judgeship in MoCo.
Here is a blast from the past, and a @SalinasPD fail.
1. Who was the drug dealer arrested because of Montes' testimony?
2. Who was the man "with a flat top haircut" where the claim is this man was with or arguing with Montes and a passenger in Montes' 1987 pickup?
The least reassuring part is Robin Stuart and Joe Gunter worked on the case.
Fast forward to 2018 and @CityofSalinas Mayor Joe Gunter (now deceased) was writing letters of support for narco trafficker Mike Hackett (friend of @bradleyzeve's managing editor at the Weekly)
#Salinas in 2010, where a handful of corrupt cops and a local judge wrote letters of support for a major player in drug dealing during the same period as Brian Montes - Dave Drew - the guy @JerryBrownGov pardoned in 2018.
... talking points in a RW funded sleazy race that saw @RepJimmyPanetta's future consultant Plasha Will (Will was with Sam Farr at the time, Farr and his dad were both creeps in MoCo, beloved by a whacky bunch of "intellectuals" on the Peninsula) route
DARK MONEY through a PAC hidden in San Benito County under the name "Californians for Law & Order" - to unseat a Sheriff who was firing dirty cops and taking material to the regional @FBI, and others.