1/ A lack of clarity on how consistently they should be practiced.
So employees and managers are left wondering, "yes, ethics is important, but should I really keep that star employee accountable?"
2/ A lack of clarity on whether employees are protected from the costs of practicing Core Values.
So they are left wondering, "yes, sustainability is important, but should I push for greener suppliers even if it will cause delays to the project?"
3/ Managers talking too infrequently about Core Values.
So their employees are left wondering, "yes, safety was yesterday's priority, but is it still relevant today? Or did the priorities change?"
4/ Managers are trained on what are the company's Core Values but not on how to demonstrate them.
So, they are ineffective at getting them adopted.
This is akin to giving a pencil and a picture of an owl to a manager and expecting him to draw another one well. It doesn't work.
5/ Compliance to Core Values does not matter or non-compliance is given a pass.
So, employees fostering Core Values are left wondering "why am I doing the effort, if it doesn't matter?"
And those who didn't adopt the Core Values are left wondering, "why should I do the effort?"
6/ These are just some of the reasons Core Values are ignored.
A big part of my work over the last nine years regarded how organizations can foster Core Values in a practical and effective way, not just to check a box on a compliance list.
7/ Next week, I'll do a free Zoom Talk on how you can get Core Values adopted in your organization
It will be recorded and shared on my newsletter, but if you assist live you can ask questions in the Q&A
Zoom Links below 👇 (please share them!)
8/ Here are the links to register (it's free) and to download the calendar invites & Zoom links:
Example: 94% of 80+yo in my region booked the vaccine but only 50% of 70-79yo. Why? The former can do it through their doctor; the latter must use a website.
Website scale fast, but arteries must become capillaries to reach everyone
2/ Similarly, many company initiatives fail because the center (top management) uses arteries (company-wide emails) to communicate a change to the the peripheries (employees).
Instead, they should focus on a capillar approach. Only supervisors are close enough to drive change.
3/ The focus of every company initiative should be to *actively* recruit & engage supervisors so that they'll communicate the change & demonstrate the need for change *effectively*.
Some things can only be done with personal touch.
Company initiatives must account for it or fail
Gumroad is the platform on which I sell my eBooks. It's their 10th birthday. To celebrate, they decided to cancel all transaction fees for the day, and I decided to match & pass the savings to readers
(discount links in the thread👇)
First, my most-sold book: "Ergodicity, as simple as possible."
It's the best book to get an intuitive understanding of one of the most important concepts to take good decisions regarding your career, relationships, and life in general.
Principle: organizations are not influenced by incentives weighting on it; instead, their behavior is determined by the incentives weighting on the decision makers inside them.
This is because organizations have no agency; no hive mind.
Thread, 1/N
2/ Let me explain with a metaphor.
When we talk about a colony of bees, we often believe it has a collective will (the "hive mind").
However, it never takes decisions itself.
Instead, its bees take INDIVIDUAL decisions, whose result converges on a group behavior.
3/ The same applies to companies. How often do we read headlines such as "Apple decided to design a car"?
However, Apple doesn't have agency.
Its managers do.
The decision was the result of individual managers taking decisions based on their individual information & incentives.