Shameless agenda mixing, exploiting people's suffering &lack of autonomy:
"Climate Is Everything: How the pandemic can lead us to a better, greener world"
After a year of authoritarianism &damage unheard of in peacetime, no one has any business leading anyone else anywhere... 1/
Whatever your views on climate or any of the other agendas being pushed, whatever your personal vision for the world, consider how evil it is to wish to exploit other people's suffering & current lack of freedom & security as an opportunity to force your wishes upon them.
After a year of authoritarianism &damage unheard of in peacetime, no one has any business leading anyone else anywhere...
People are to be given back their lives to live as they wish.
Not as you wish.
Not as I wish.
Not as any self-proclaimed messiah wishes.
As THEY wish.
h/t @MarkChangizi , who I think holds a similar view on the matter.
"The next critical step in reaching herd immunity is being able to vaccinate children and Stanford announced Wednesday the process is already underway."
- NBC, Bay Area 1/
"Stanford is part of a trial with Pfizer to test the COVID-19 vaccine on children under the age of 5, and 3-year-old Eloise Lacour is an important part of this anticipated trial."
"We know that getting herd immunity is a big part of getting back to whatever normal will look like in the future," said Eloise's parents Angelica and Chris Lacour."
“We need you more than ever to help us change course, end fragility, avert climate catastrophe & build the equitable and sustainable future we want & need” - UN chief addressing Davos
The "future we want & need?"
I don't recall being asked what I want or need. Were you asked?
"The Secretary-General emphasized that pandemic recovery must be inclusive while also tackling climate change & biodiversity loss."
Of course, such omniscient self proclaimed messiahs have always been with us. And, unlike others, I respect everyone's right... freedom of thought & expression, even if I do not like what they say.
But - please - trying to use a pandemic & the suffering - & consequent lack of much ability to protest - of millions as an opportunity to thrust one's own agenda upon the world is repugnant.
"London could be plunged into Tier 3"
"The R rate in London is currently 0.9 to 1.1, higher than the England-wide average of 0.8 to 1." - Telegraph
Please read & r/t:
"most recent week of complete data, ending Dec 1, showed a rate of 164 cases per 100,000 in London, up from 159 the previous week."
Up by 3% in a week. Can we be sure it isn't noise? Even if real, at that rate the doubling time is over 5 months! In spring it was a few days.
What about the R rate?
"The R rate in London is currently 0.9 to 1.1, higher than the England-wide average of 0.8 to 1"
London's R is around 1. Just what you'd expect if the virus was at a low, fairly stable prevalence or was virtually gone & most 'cases' were false positives.
_England & Wales Autumn Covid deaths show regional heterogeneity. London, in particular, is interesting_
London's more severe & earlier spring growth may well explain why it has, to date, seen less of an autumn rise.
[Charts normalised by ytd non-covid deaths.]
The generally held belief is that only a small percentage of people have so far been infected by SARS-CoV-2 & that the vast majority remain susceptible to infection - hence all the measures taken.
There are, however, reasons & evidence suggesting that this is not the case.
If the vast majority of people were still susceptible, one would expect growth everywhere. However, autumn rises have varied greatly across regions.
London especially, given its nature (crowding etc) would be expected to show aggressive growth, as it did in spring.