A podcast from a few years ago that showcases her blatant and unapologetic ableism. *Trigger warning.* It’s worse than her Ted talk. nutritionheretic.com/drug-dealer-md/
Pay special attn at both the 30 min mark and at 39:40.
This is the Dec, 2015 IPRCC meeting that talks about HHS’ plan and the CDC guidelines. Starting at 4hrs, 18 min, we have Wanda Jones, principal deputy to asst. sec of HHS speak about how HHS planned the guidelines. This is really interesting info.
1/? videocast.nih.gov/watch=17523
At 4 hrs 41 min, the CDC rep presents the overview of the guidelines. At 4:52 sec., the Q and A’s. This really shows how there were a lot of concerns from the research panel (NPS) about the consequences and methods/bias involved in the formation of the CDC GLs. #ipp#cpp#PROP
At 5 hrs 24 min we have the evidence that shows the IPRCC (NPS) was not happy about the CDC guidelines and had a discussion about how to handle that. Listen carefully. videocast.nih.gov/watch=17523
Pacira is aiming to change the surgical standard of care to opioids for rescue only. They are expanding their market to pediatrics. They have placed MD KOLS in positions to influence industry. The pediatrician in the article is happy to take their money. 1/pharmacypracticenews.com/FDA-Approvals/…
Here is the evidence of how much money they’re making and who they’re targeting. They have a partnership with Shatterproof, which helps them with getting the policies in place to limit pain meds, while arranging for $ from CMS to make #Exparel first line. seekingalpha.com/article/440911…
Here’s evidence that the pediatrician in the first article I posted, is on #Pacira’s payroll.