*Indifference to human suffering
*Coordinated global disinformation campaigns regarding covid
*Conservative political leadership & decision making
*Demagoguery and autocratic populist governance
*Abject refusal to extend aid to citizens because of ideology
Society wide collapse is occurring globally. This is not a coincidence. Coordinated disinformation campaigns that amplify covid is a hoax are being globally organized. It was never limited to North America.
How many Canadians know their North American history? I bet few. The dominant culture and those who benefitted and still do are reluctant to reveal the devastation created by expansion of the US and Canada (British Empire).
However their strategy was developed, it is certainly supported by Canadian conservative premiers.
Was this the retaliation Kenney referred to when Biden cancelled KXL?
Me thinks this could be it.
What is it called when an entire industry attempts to write laws favourable to their profit making and eliminating federal government power to regulate them?
A corporatist coup?
A cartel coup?
A plutocrat coup?
Whatever the descriptor, this is an organized coup.
The response to this desperate request for federal coordination and extreme targeted measures to save maximum number of lives is disturbing to say the least!
There has been a coordinated strategy to divide the nation & destroy the unity of a national identity. I’m devastated that it seems to have succeeded.
Conservative politicians have relentlessly incited animus while exuding arrogance & haughty derision on progressive Canadians.
We have a visceral and palpable physical reaction to politicians like Ford, Kenney, Moe, Pallister, Legault. Horgan is also in this group, and receives less bile, but that’s a disturbing phenomenon on its own. He doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt.
I wonder if Canadians understand why First Nations with band and legal FN status are excused from the tax burden for the maintenance of the provinces and nation if they earn their wages on reserve?
There are many who believe this to be an unfair advantage for FN indigenous people.
But that’s because they don’t understand treaties, land title, property rights and citizenship in Canada.
Unless you understand those topics intimately, you’re making a judgment in ignorance.
Treaties were signed with most First Nations. Treaties allow the Crown to assume the title to all the lands in Canada, except the reserves on which various FN were assigned and restricted to live.
Over time, these reserve lands began to be known as independent nations.