1. Morocco has the appearance of an outward-looking, modern, liberal Arab regime. In reality its security services are aping the dirty tricks of Ben Ali's dictatorship in Tunisia. #N26011#N23052#JusticePourOmarEtSoulaimane#FreeKoulchi
3. Morocco's media scene is now dominated by public media & a gutter press publishing details from the private lives of dissidents, to which it adds outright lies, on a cue from Morocco's various political police services. #N23052#N26011#justicepouromaretsoulaimane#FreeKoulchi
4. Just like Tunisia's BenAli, allegations of ordinary crimes, mostly of a sexual nature, are preferred over what are really political crimes - as such prosecutions would affect Morocco's sacro-sanct foreign reputation. #N23052#N26011#justicepouromaretsoulaimane#FreeKoulchi
5. To be fair, there are political dissidents who have been prosecuted for and convicted of political crimes - namely the #Hirak protests in the Rif and its front figure, Nasser Zefzafi, condemned to 20 years in jail for a purely political crime.
7. Both are accused of sexual crimes. Twitter is certainly not the right forum to adjudicate such claims, but it is certainly the right forum to highlight the violation of the principles of due process, fair trial & equality of arms. #N23052#N26011#FreeKoulchi
9. Both have had to suffer months of pre-trial detention under severe conditions, and without being able to invoke a proper defence. They've been held in isolation. #N23052#N26011#justicepouromaretsoulaimane
10. To add to the unsavoury character of these charges, @FreeRaissouni is the uncle of journalist @hajarraissounu, writing for the same independent Akhbar al Yaoum paper and who was held on trumped-up illegal abortion charges before being pardoned. #N23052#N26011#FreeKoulchi
11. It is no coincidence that Akhbar al Yaoum recently folded, under the blows of Morocco's regime.
12. You may now understand why standing for the rights of @OmarRADI and @FreeRaissouni is vital, especially as historian and journalist Maati Monjib was recently freed from pre-trial detention after international pressure. #N23052#N26011#justicepouromaretsoulaimane
Le drapeau de la République du Rif à la manifestation #BlackLivesMattters à Bruxelles en ce moment.
Je suis allé à la manif #BLACK_LIVES_MATTER au Palais de Justice de Bruxelles avec ma femme et ma fille aînée. Il devait y avoir 10.000 personnes environ.
There is a country, Morocco. It achieved independence from France in 1956. Until 1965 however, its judges were mostly French, ruled in French and laws were drafted & published in that language. Its penal code, still in force today, was drafted mostly by French jurists. #FreeHajar
Oh, I forgot. Morocco had no elected Parliament in 1962. Its first elected Parliament was voted into place first in 1963. Morocco's Penal code, whose bulk provisions remain in force to this day, were never debated let alone adopted by elected representatives. #FreeHajar
This is not to say that these provisions run against a groundswell of public opinion - they don't, despite vocal criticism from human rights defenders, feminists and secularists. It's just that these provisions were never subject to democratic scrutiny and debate. #FreeHajar
Papier très décevant mais qui sera très lu par les quelques décideurs et desk officers "Maroc" et influera plus leur jugement que toute autre analyse: Le mystère Mohammed VI, techno-monarque à la tête d’un Maroc plus inégalitaire que jamais lemonde.fr/afrique/articl…
Les yeux commencent à piquer des la première phrase: "Ce roi est discret comme un souverain scandinave". Ben manque de bol, je suis suédois, et non, le roi de Suède n'a en aucun cas la même visibilité que le roi du Maroc, que Dieu le glorifie. #thread
Les seules fois où le roi de Suède fait l'ouverture des journaux télévisés en Suède c'est quand il a dit une connerie, fête ses 75 ans ou quand un bouquin est sorti détaillant ses escapades sexuelles. Pas vraiment le cas du Maroc donc.