when the pandemic hit, obviously, our ability to book guests changed, too. so we leaned on my friends to come on. what we found was the audience for #TheRightTime would rather hear me chop it up with the homies than the famous people.
i really appreciate the homies for that, cuz i'm not giving them any ability to prepare. we just gon go. and they go along with it with me, even on provocative topics. and #TheRightTime is much better for it. none of us know where it'll go, but we get there and don't get fired.
part of the initial plan with the guests was to use the celebrities to help attract new listeners. but i had to lean on something i once saw chuck d say about serving your audience: serve the audience you actually have, not the one you think you want.
i think his specific point was trying to serve those other folks was "corporate thinking." yes, i work for a corporation, but even then, you gotta think organically about how to grow a podcast.
i contend my friendship with spencer embodies what america is truly capable of. we have everything and nothing in common and it's truly beautiful.
now that's a different set of homies. i doubt i'll ever do talk radio again, but i'll never be able to explain why my shows attracted *the* most interesting callers. on a per capita basis, nobody was beating us on characters.
in other news, stop retweeting the people you hate. seriously. took me a while to learn that, but we're all better when we don't do that.
exactly. people sending things that are the opposite of why anyone follows them. not that you should serve your twitter followers, per se, but i think you get my point.
there was a time i did it because i felt people who agreed with those folks silently needed to hear the truth, and i used the dummies as a tool to do that. not much silent anything anymore. the utility of that is gone.
tillman's a great test of one's ability to view things with nuanced eyes. can one see heroism in him while opposing the war? can people support the military -- using a broad term there but you get it -- while acknowledging that military let him down in life and death?
instead, my industry uses him as a mascot for a lot of things an informed person *knows* he wasn't about, or certainly wasn't about after he'd spent some time in afghanistan.
again, how we use pat tillman is absolutely pathetic.
this is something i wrote about prince last year, a look at the unreal syracuse concert the estate posted on youtube. theundefeated.com/features/princ…
in '09, my mom was getting herself a new car, and i talked her into passing her '96 ac 3.2 down to me. was gonna be better than anything i could afford, even if it was old.
one day, i took the 3.2 to the dealer for repairs. now...
they gave me a loaner while they were working on the car. brand new tl. it may as well have been the batmobile to me. i'd never driven a ride that clean ever.
for some reason, the repairs took longer than expected, but were done in a window where i couldn't pick it up that day.