The gigantic march through the whole of central London yesterday took in
Hyde Park Corner, Marble Arch, Ox St, Holborn, City,down to Embankment, Parliament Sq & back to HPk. Still ppl in Ox St when it finished. Nine miles of people. Many hundreds of thousands.
It must have been over 500,000. That makes it the biggest since the Iraq War march 18 years ago; bigger than the Brexit demonstrations and the Countryside Alliance marches.
And yet all but ignored by the media save one police charge in Hyde Park once it had mainly ended.
Here is a time lapse video. While Adam later revised his estimate downwards, a critic in reply suggested it was ‘only’ 600,000-700,000. That seems right given the length of the march.
And yes, in about ten miles and 3 1/2 hours I saw no violence, hardly any police and a good natured march.
This will and must continue. There must never be another lockdown. In *any* circumstances.
This thread copies an earlier one in which I had taken an aerial photograph put up in reply to Adam Stratford that I was told wasn’t of yesterday’s march. Please share any aerial photograph but with care.
People were obviously angry with the government, “opposition”, media and establishment; but very happy to be a part of a growing movement against them.
850 deaths out of 27,000 a day in India. And the pressure is for India to impose measures that will divert its limited resources from the expenditure on healthcare and sanitation that will actually preserve life, while depressing its economy and so starving its poor.
While western countries undertake a grotesque distortion of humanitarian aid and help not India’s minimal healthcare for diseases from which vast numbers of Indians actually die but on tests that won’t begin to help them with a disease from which they largely will not.
Not to mention pressing for social distancing measures that can never work in a country as poor and overcrowded as India, save to push millions below the breadline.
And, unlike in the west, that does actually mean starvation.
Some extracts from the Weimar judgment on masks, asymptomatic transmission and PCR testing (link below).
On the absence of evidence that mask mandates make any material difference to transmission...
I’m happy to answer it. Yes. Because by ‘protecting the NHS’, what you actually mean is that it would be unable to treat some-perhaps many-people. And yet you ignore the fact that the NHS turned people out of its hospitals while deaths from stroke & cardio went through the roof.
We can reasonably surmise that that was for one or more of three reasons: that they or others were too scared to call ambulances; that the PPE procedures for paramedics slow down their response times that are critical to survival;...
... and that too little resources were given them *by choice*, not necessity.
(The second I say having spoken to a paramedic who knows that happens.)
Forget evidence of efficacy taken from the use of masks in clinical conditions. Forget even the Danmask study (showing no statistical significant difference in infection rates for mask wearers).
Where in the world has a mask mandate affected the growth of infections or deaths?
‘Social distancing’ is a made up measure that featured in no pandemic planning&whose efficacy has never been tested. It is entirely reliant on the lie that asymptomatic transmission is a major driver of infection.
This has nothing to with the virus & everything to do with control
Why don’t you - or the @BBCNews that made the show - question him about the abysmal standards in the laboratories exposed by Panorama, risking the contamination of numerous samples by ‘fragments’ of viral matter?
Or that PCR tests, at 45 cycles, have numerous false positives?
Even Fauci said that anything over 35 does not pick up live viral matter but the remnants of a virus that was - but is no longer - infectious. Yet this issue is never examined by those whose duty it is to scrutinise the government.
And the expansion of testing and engagement of numerous poorly trained staff at labs that don’t give a damn about accuracy will inevitably exacerbate both (a) the proportion of ‘positives’ of ppl who were but are no longer infectious and (b) the number of contaminated results.