The single most important quality to retain is the ability to generate and tolerate extremes. If all you do is “take it easy”, eventually all you’ll be able to do is take it easy.
1 Hyper-palatable food
2 Too abundant - all the time
3 Don't need to exercise to get it
Obesity will never be resolved in this environment of abundance. Humans are hardwired to expend as little energy as possible to get food.
This is why exercise is hard for many people. Expending energy for no reason is the opposite of how we evolved. A fundamental driver of human activity has been taken out of the equation by human ingenuity
Ease of access to food allows us to eat as much as we like, whenever we like. We have no environmental constraints. We’ve got what we wished for – easy calories for less and less effort (supermarkets, apps, home deliveries,) and little danger in getting it.
As I approach 60, the MAIN thing I've learnt which separates the long-term fit & healthy from the rest is their complete life is fit & healthy lifestyle; i.e they don't have fitness windows in an obesogenic lifestyle.
They aren't slobs who go to the gym. They aren't sedentary people who go for a jog 3 x a week. They don't lose weight for a beach holiday or wedding. They don't eat badly then 'fast' to lose weight. They don't drink smoothies for breakfast because they were told it's healthy.
Over 4 decades I've seen the one's who 'try' but fail longterm in staying fit, lean and healthy. They are always the individuals who insert fitness windows into their obesogenic/sedentary lives rather than a total change to a fit and healthy lifestyle.
COMPETITIVE ANXIETY - (The solution is the problem)
I learnt something VERY important (in my competitive career) about nerves. Sports psychologists advise solutions to control nerves, ALL have misdiagnosed the problem - nerves are not the problem! The problem is..
viewing pre-competitive nervousness as disempowering. I found out that top performers suffer form nerves, but they view nerves as empowering - a sort of psychological rocket fuel for top performance.
The pseudo sports psychologists at my university taught all the various....
...BS ways to control nerves, mostly useless. They didn't realise that competitive nerves are not a problem; how the nerves are perceived by the athlete IS the problem. By teaching that nerves are a problem they were making the problem worse.
"...the number of swings at bat, poems attempted, paintings painted, etc. determine the success rate. The more you try, the more you learn, the faster you iterate, the better you get...
The human ecosystem (our internal environment) has the same processes as the environmental ecosystem. Destruction & Reconstruction is a universal process. This is how we stay young.
We should take our cue from the senolytic processes of nature. A coppiced Hazel tree is near immortal.
Too much destruction (chronic calorie restriction) and too much growth (hyperfunction/ constant eating) are both bad and lead to derangement.
If you have zero money and zero contacts, take advice from the person who turned $0 into $100 not the one who turned who turned $5M into $200M.
The person who came from comfortably secure, good school, good contacts, wealthy parents...
...has no concept of how to make money from nothing. They say they do, but they don't. They spend money in the way you breathe - they do it w/out thinking. they don't realise. All the opportunities they suggest involve having money, even if it's only $100.
They have never experienced how a $10 find on the pavement changes how their next two days will be spent. They aren't aware that you eat cheap shitty carbs because you only have $3 to last five days.
When you have no money, you borrow and can't pay back, you make promises...