India's new cases and deaths are lower than the peak in past few days, reported cases are down from 402,110 cases to 392,562; 370,059; 355,828; 382,691.
We want to see a strong and sustained decline.
The decline is happening as restrictions are being increased.
Increasing restrictions are visible in a "sringency index" but the restrictions are not as strong as earlier.
Achieving a rapid decline is the best ways to save lives and livelihoods. Restoring economic activity doesn't work well when balancing tradeoffs.
The 7 day average of Brazil's cases has declined since the end of March going from over 77,000 to 59,000, a very slow decline.
Brazil's over 400,000 total deaths are second only to the US, with over 576,000 deaths. US also has most reported cases: over 32 million.
FDA is preparing to authorize Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine for 12 to 15 year-olds, via Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). In September, Pfizer plans to apply for EUA for children ages 2 through 11. (Studies for these age groups are currently ongoing.)
The trans-Tasman bubble between Australia and New Zealand has opened, and has seen a gradual increase in demand. Only one airline (Air New Zealand) has significantly brought back capacity to this route.
Pfizer has begun Phase 1 trials for antiviral COVID-19 treatment, which it says may be ready for authorization by the end of 2021. This may be good news if the trials succeed. However, we should be careful of false hopes / wishful thinking.
There is no reason to let COVID-19 persist through the end of the year, when this drug would (potentially) be available. Instead, we direct attention to strategies of elimination and eradication.
How safe will it be to have the olympics in Tokyo?
Six torch staffers diagnosed with COVID-19. All of them assisted with traffic control and wore masks.
India reported over 400,000 new cases, over 3,500 new deaths (both likely under-reported)
US will deny entry to most foreigners who have stayed in India within last 14 days, starting May 4
However, there is no quarantine for returning Americans, as from China Jan 31 2020.
Simultaneously, the US is sending oxygen tanks to India to help medical care. International cooperation is essential for better outcomes for all. It would be wise to invest more in helping all countries eliminate Covid.
France has reported its first confirmed case of the Indian Covid variant.
New study on NY B.1.526 variant warns possible reduced vaccine effectiveness:
“Pseudovirus containing spike gene mutations associated with B.1.526 was SIGNIFICANTLY MORE RESISTATANT TO NEUTRALIZATION by either convalescent or vaccinee plasma.”
India's cases and deaths continue to reach all-time highs.
Multiple reports on double mutant variant are inconsistent about its role. Limited sequencing being done. It may well be important. Reports of a tripple mutant variant surfacing.
Vaccines at risk.
"Rajeshwari Devi, 58, died on Sunday after waiting for two days to get uninterrupted oxygen, an ambulance and a bed in a Covid-19 hospital.
"She kept waiting and gasping but it was too late by the time help arrived.