Great drive from Lec. At the front, RB give up yet another race where they had a chance of winning. They are now making the same mistakes the Scuds were making a few seasons bak when racing at the front.
Here's a little context. It involves what was then considered to be the "world's richest ruby mine", the President's wife and niece, and the "black mark in the middle of the Kenya pudding."…
To be fair, @MarthaKarua proposed this very thing when she was close to power as Minister for Justice under Kibaki. My questions then are the same now: After how long does corruption qualify as "past" and what is "past" about corruption when we continue paying for it today?
The fact is, Kenya has had an undeclared amnesty for all corruption, past and present, since independence. Kamau did not go after the colonials and chiefs, Mo1 shielded the Kamaus and their acolytes, and Kibaki talked a good game on corruption but left Mo1 and his friends alone.
"The African needed to be flogged ‘like a child’ to inculcate discipline, yet once ‘trousered’ he had taken an important step towards the world of the white man and might be treated with greater respect".…
The whole discourse of "discipline" was meant to infantilize the miro. Till today, brutalising Kenyans, whether it is enforcement of covid-19 restrictions or corporal punishment in schools, is always justified using the language of "discipline".
On 13 November 2017, the people of Somaliland went to the polls to choose their 5th president since 1991. Despite a delay of 28 months, international and local observers described the election as credible and peaceful.…
The changeable conditions could be good for the Scuds if we get the strategy calls right. And at least now we have drivers who have shown that they can keep the car on the track when it rains. #ImolaGP#ForzaFerrari#F1