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Jun 7th 2023
#SpanishGP #Formula1 #BarcelonaF1 #F1
Si comme nous vous avez des questions avant d'assister à un grand prix de Formule 1 voici notre expérience et les conseils qu'on peut donner :
1- Dois-je prendre des tickets WE ou que le dimanche ?
Perso, on a pris le WE complet (vendredi à dimanche), et c'était trop.
On nous avait dit qu'on verrait les pilotes à la Fan zone ... très déçus car on ne les voit que de loin, et presque aucun ne signe d'autographe. Image
2- Où loger ?
Le plus près est le mieux, car il y a beaucoup de bouchons autour du circuit. Hôtel basique, car vous allez juste vous y doucher, y dormir et y déjeuner rapidement.
Read 14 tweets
May 21st 2022
Curious about the effect of the upgrades and setup choices of the various teams for the #SpanishGP

Want to know the different characteristics (strenghts and weaknesses) of the different #F1 cars?💡

Then this is the thread for you - can't really miss it!🏎️📈
-For the first time this year, Merc is the fastest in the second part of the straight!➡️The upgrades mitigated porpoising, allowing new setup choices
-Ferrari is a traction and acceleration monster
-RB was the car with the most 'balanced' properties, good everywhere
Compared to the FP2 minisectors, Mercedes is not the fastest in the first part of the straight anymore: they were definitely running higher engine modes in FP2 compared to others
Ferrari showed the highest improvement between FP2 and qualy, especially in corner exit
Read 7 tweets
May 16th 2022
#SpanishGP 🇪🇸: Happy race week! We are back to Barcelona this weekend, and Pirelli have chosen their tyres! The teams will have in their bank the Hard C1, Medium C2 and Soft C3. 🧵
The hardest range of compounds, a pretty straightforward choice for Pirelli (same as last year, albeit using a brand-new family of tyres) with the demands of the Barcelona circuit being extremely well-known from testing and previous races.
With mainly the long Turn 3 as well as Turn 9 putting a lot of energy through the tyres.
Read 7 tweets
Jul 1st 2021
Summer break has arrived! But before we log off, 2021 has been a season to remember so far 🙌

Storylines we'll recount for years to come! For one reason or another, these are the ones we wanted to point out 👀

2021 #MotoGP - A THREAD 👇
It all got underway back at the #QatarGP! 🇶🇦

With quite possibly the strongest grid we've ever seen, 2021 was bound to be a belter 😎

@jackmilleraus was also pretty keen to point out his pick for World Champion in the Thursday press conference 👀
Onwards to the #DohaGP and the closest top 15 in premier class history! 🏁

After 22 laps, 118.4km of racing, just 8.928 seconds covered the points scorers! 🤯

Read 11 tweets
May 9th 2021
25 años atrás. @schumacher terminó segundo en el #SpanishGP manejando un auto que quedó atascado en quinta velocidad.

La historia a continuación...

Para contextualizar...

Schumacher largaba desde la Pole Position por segunda vez en la temporada. Seguido de @HillF1 en el Williams Renault.

@therealdcf1 largó noveno en su debut en #F1, el escoces había sido nombrado reemplazante de Ayrton Senna días antes.
El #SpanishGP fue la primera carrera para la reformada GPDA con Schumacher a la cabeza. Una de las primeras demandas fue la instalación de una chicana en la veloz curva Nissan.
Read 14 tweets
May 7th 2021
Confrontare i giri di oggi non è semplice, date le numerose variabili in gioco e il fatto che Verstappen abbia commesso un errore durante il suo giro veloce con le soft. C'è da dire che Hamilton e Bottas hanno anche completato i loro giri su mappature diverse: Lewis in strat 2, -
- Valtteri in strat 5, quindi c'è un minimo di differenza a favore dell'inglese sotto questo aspetto. Nel confronto ho aggiunto anche i giri di Max, sia con la media che con la soft, al fine di avere un riferimento. Per quanto riguarda curva 1, le Mercedes sono molto aggressive
- all'ingresso, riescono a portare molta velocità (sul rettilineo oggi c'era anche qualcosa di PU). Interessante è quello che succede nel cambio di direzione: Hamilton porta più velocità ma è molto più profondo, tanto che il cambio di direzione è ritardato, al contrario di -
Read 16 tweets
May 6th 2021
Per questo weekend di gara a Barcellona, al momento non ci sono track limit veri e propri, quanto piuttosto delle indicazioni sul come rientrare in pista in caso di taglio in curva 2 e sul non utilizzare il vecchio layout nell'ultimo settore #SpanishGP
I dissuasori in curva 7/8 sono stati estesi di circa 20 metri. In passato i piloti erano piuttosto aggressivi in questo tratto della pista, sfruttando la zona in cemento per "tagliare" la curva in modo da andare prima sull'acceleratore #SpanishGP
Curva 10 è stata completamente ridisegnata. Nella vecchia configurazione si trattava di una delle curve più complesse e tecniche del tracciato: la staccata era estremamente impegnativa e spesso si vedevano i piloti arrivare al bloccaggio. In entrata e percorrenza si potevano -
Read 7 tweets
Feb 4th 2021
What if social media existed during some of our iconic moments in history? 🤔

⬇️ THREAD ⬇️

#essereFerrari 🔴
Our first title 🏆

📸 1952 #GermanGP

#essereFerrari 🔴
Last team to secure a 1-2-3-4 finish 😱

📸 1961 #BelgianGP

#essereFerrari 🔴
Read 9 tweets
Aug 12th 2020

Televisão - Treinos
Narração : @everaldomarques
Comentários : @LucianoBurti
Reportagens: Mariana Becker

TL1: 6:00 / TL2 : 10:00
TL3 : 7:00 / Qualificação : 10:00

#SpanishGP #f1nosportv #F1
Televisão - Corrida
Rede Globo
Domingo: 10:00
Narração: Cleber Machado
Comentários : @LucianoBurti
Reportagens: Mariana Becker

#F1naGlobo #F1 #SpanishGP
Mesma transmissão da Globo, com pódio na íntegra. Necessário cadastro (sem custo)
Read 5 tweets
Jul 30th 2020
The #AndaluciaGP has been and gone! 💨

The action was crazy so let's just remind you of who stood out in the heat of the 2nd race at Jerez 🔥

Two for two! ✌️

@FabioQ20 had waited his whole career for a #MotoGP win and now he has two! 🏆🏆

199 premier class podiums and counting! 🙌

At 41 years of age, @ValeYellow46 finished on the podium, that's now 25 consecutive years with at least 1 Grand Prix podium! 🤯

#MotoGP ImageImageImageImage
Read 8 tweets

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