I remember, in the 1970s, when all were in awe of the photos of #SpaceshipEarth brought home by the Apollo astronauts, making clear its vulnerability, which our leaders, I was sure, would heed by initiating a #SustainabilityRevolution. Only, they never did.
It was the same with immigration. I saw the London suburb of Wembley, where I was born in 1949, when it was 100% White, becoming ever more DIVERSE, & thought to myself, this is madness, which government will surely not allow to continue. Wembley is now about 12% White.
Quite recently I learned that the historian, A J Toynbee had remarked that all successful civilisations (like ancient Greece & Rome) ultimately commit suicide, which is clearly what Britain & the West are now doing.
There are two fundamentally different ways a society can be organised: 1) Undemocratically, from the top down. 2) Grassroots-democratically, from the bottom up.
Britain, like all so-called nation states, is organised undemocratically from the top down.
We enjoy some very important rights & freedoms in the UK, but our so-called parliamentary, i.e. representative, democracy is a farce, a political stitch-up, which facilitates government of, by & for the elites & favoured clients of the state, NOT the people at large.
And it's the same in America, which never became the nation its founders had hoped it would, but just a bigger, more powerful, clone of Great Britain: an Orwellian construct of lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation.
The medieval church dictated society's understanding of & relationship to God, while modern "liberal democracies" dictate our understanding of & relationship to RACE.
No one is allowed to question the ideology of post-racial multiculturalism, DIVERSITY, Inclusion & #AntiRacism.
Anyone attempting to question it is cancelled as a RACIST.
DIVERSITY is Orwellian newspeak for #RacialMixing, which goes to the opposite extreme of the Nazi obsession with #RacialPurity, from whence it derives its spurious moral authority.
The modern, secular priesthood of #AntiRacists is not so clearly defined, but no less effective than the medieval clergy.
Ethnic identity has always been very important, & European migrants to America were expected to give up their particular European ethnicity & replace it with an American one, thus becoming a single nation.
But America never did become a genuine nation, just a bigger, more powerful, clone of Great Britain: a mercenary #PatronState deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites & the immense power they wield & abuse.
Britain, like all so-called #NationStates, is an Orwellian construct of lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation.
Why have the academics we look to as authorities on understanding society & the state failed to recognise this?
The Nazis made an extremely ugly issue of RACE, which they confused with ETHNICITY. Ashkenazi Jews & Slavs are not a different race from Germans, but comprise a single, White, European, race, which includes many different ethnicities.
In pathological overreaction to this Nazi madness, traumatised Jewish academics & others went to the opposite but equally insane extreme of denying the reality of race altogether, while demonising human tribalism, which is very sensitive to racial & ethnic differences.
This initial response to the evils of Nazism was born of trauma & understandable. It was also a well-intended, but misconceived, #NeverAgain response, which was sized upon by #BigBrother & his minions as an instrument of socio-political rewards, intimidation & control.
Jews wanted their OWN #NationState, which they got in May 1948, one year before I was born, partly through bloody acts of terror against the British Mandate, & ever since there has been conflict & reciprocal acts of terror between Jews & Palestinian Arabs.
I've always been inclined to side with Israel & the Jews, because all the Jews I know & know of are also Europeans, i.e. Ashkenazi & White, & I identify with my race as my largest kinship group, which Ashkenazi Jews, in my view, belong to.
However, I have come to realise that my sense of shared racial identity is generally not reciprocated. On the contrary, I'm despised for identifying with what I see as my own race, & not just by Ashkenazi Jews, but also by many non-Jewish Whites.
I know & have gotten to like too many people of non-European origin to suggest that they return to their countries of origin, esp. when they have embraced entirely the English language, culture & ways.
It was madness on the part of Parliament to allow mass immigration of other races into our (already overpopulated) country, but we must deal with it in a civilised fashion, which, in my view, does not include forced repatriation.