What changed in lipid therapy, more specifically, our knowledge in statin use in 2020? #Statinwise#Sampson - Those with statin myalgias, can be reinitiated on statins long-term. #Nocebo like statin myalgias, is just as real.
We know weight loss can be difficult, it carries many many stigmas, and also can contribute to amplification of other chronic disease states. Semaglutide was shown to help reduce weight. #GLP1Ra
Intensive BP management to <120 vs <140, how did this impact cognition and dementia development?
- No difference in probable dementia.
- Mild cog impairment and mild cog+probable dementia did have protection.
Dr. Polk summarizes that the lessons learned and provides opportunities for us to improve on prevention.
As noted in previous post, moderate EtOH associated with lower MACE and lower stress associated neural activity. This provides nuance on why/how EtOH associates with decrease MACE.
Important question - can we parse weekend drinkers vs daily drinkers in this data?
Well, you heard the sub-study results of #STRENGTHtrial. We hope to provide nuance to the Omega 3 CVOT trials. Recognizing that there appears to be a difference from EPA-only vs EPA/DHA mixed preparation trials.
Great presentation by @audrychacin #CardiacRehab resulting in an increase in peak %Vo2 from pre to post rehab resulted in a decrease in MACE. Not surprising, those with the greatest change had the greatest reduction in risk.
💊nutraceuticals ubiquitous and “assumed” by many pts to be heart healthy.
💊 SPORT ➡️ compared to rosuva and placebo, do they impact biomarkers? jacc.org/doi/abs/10.101… @kewatson@ErinMichos@ljlaffin 1/
N=199, randomized single blind
💊 lipid, hsCRP, CMP. Baseline and at 28 days.
💊 1° risk, age 40-75, LDL-C 70-189, borderline to upper intermediate risk (5-20%, estimated 10 yr event)
💊 1° endpt: %LDL-C change vs rosuva
💊2° endpt: biomarkers vs rosuva; vs placebo #aha22 2/
💊 most were at least 7.5% 10 year risk
💊 nice representation of 💃🏽
💊 LDL-C >100 (~125); hsCRP <2.0
🐟interesting drop out rate/protocol deviation, covid era?
🐟LDL-C baseline, similar to reduce it
🐟EPA median 46 ug/mL, higher than reduce it (26), lower than Jelis (96).
🐟hsCRP ~0.40 2/ #aha22
Throwing dollars at “health”doesn’t = improved health. This is staggering. We need to change what and how we deliver #Healthcare and where the $$ are spent #aha22