1. I urge everyone to put aside any bias or preconcieved ideas and watch the emotive and completely captivating film 'Gaza fights for freedom' by @AbbyMartin for free on
2. Look up israeli human rights organisation @btselem report concluding #israelapartheid and @hrwhrw.org/report/2021/04… report both independently, conclude on the many facets of apartheid and the impact on the everyday lives of palestinians as shown in @AbbyMartin film.
3. Watch @DoubleDownNews excellent piece with @andrewfeinstein breaking down the racism at the heart of the Israel zionist state and how apartheid manifests itself.
5. The Israeli Palestinian issue is routinely & falesly conflated as being religious, sectarian, complex but actually the solution is simple the world media needs to stop fueling 'conflict' narrative and start to address 'settler colonialism' and the #Israelapartheid that festers
6. As an occupying force Israel has total dominion and control over Palestinians incl movement, military, borders, raw materials, utilities, foods, medicines. Palestinians have the right of resistance and once you recognise the reality it is clear this is not 'david v goliath'
7. Rather an infant, malnourished, starved, blinded & bound david vs a heavily armoured, not solo but a squadron of Goliaths with unlimited supplies from allies. Greater civilizations have come before us & have been lost to the memory of time. #Gaza_Under_Attack#savesheikhjarrah
You stand for justice against oppression #savesheikhjarrah equality over #Israelapartheid those that dont follow should ask would they have stood with the great nelson mandela who said "our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of palestinians".
Right from wrong is manifest clear. Palestinians need us to be the voice of the voiceless. This is not a war but a massacre by an occupying israeli force over the people under its oppression. Children killed, civilians targetted, UN facilities, schools #GazaUnderAttack
Whole neighbourhoods raised to the ground, medics attacked, ambulances blocked. Just some of the countless atrocities, violations & crimes committed by #IsraelTerrorist let alone the lynchings,settlers that are killing arabs in lod, sheikh jarrah, silwan, jabal zeytoon, alsawhara