Our speech for the Nakba Day Demonstration organized by @PalestinSpricht in Berlin, Germany last #b1505
We are here today as the Berlin Jewish Bund; we are Jews of different origins and backgrounds; German Jews, Russian Jews, Israeli Jews, Ashkenazi Jews, and Mizrahi Jews.
We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian community and protest the ongoing Nakba, the massacres, and the inconceivable violence done in our names.
We are here to resist and protest, with the Palestinian people, the Nakba that continues for 73 years now, the Israeli bombings and massacres in Gaza, the mass arrests in occupied Jerusalem, in the West Bank and across Palestine...
the expropriation of homes and land in Sheikh Jarrah that became a symbol of violent dispossession, the lynch mobs and the ongoing racist reality in Yaffah, Lydd, Ramla and Haifa.
These atrocities highlight a brutal reality for Palestinians under Israeli control and the increasing normalization of anti-Palestinian violence in the Jewish-Israeli society.
The Palestinian Right of Return remains silenced as the Israeli state is determined to continue the ethnic cleansing. The same ethnic cleansing it has engaged in since 1948 in the attempt to remove Palestinians from Palestine, physically and culturally.
This is not a conflict – this is a system of colonial violence in which the political, military and economic supremacy of Jews over Palestinians is a foundational aspect.
"The fact that someone like me who grew up in Brooklyn/Berlin all their life has more legal rights in Palestine than a Palestinian whose family has lived there for generations is the profound injustice of colonial logic. Of ethnic cleansing that replaces one people with another"
Because as Jews, we experience German Antisemitism on a regular basis, it is all the more appalling that accusations of antisemitism are often used as an instrument to silence demands for Palestinian human rights.
The criminalization of Palestine solidarity is rising in Germany, and it is undoubtedly a backlash against the power and growth of Palestine solidarity movements in Germany and worldwide.
Germany’s antisemitism commissioner, Felix Klein, revises history by projecting all antisemitism on migrants. It is ironic that Germans are worried about antisemitism being imported instead of reflecting on their own family histories...
and dealing with the extensive racism against people of color, migrants and refugees in Germany.
We resist the exploitation of Jewish history as moral justification for Israel’s crimes.
Like Many revolutionary Jewish figures before us, we align ourselves with anti-imperialist and anti-colonial struggles in the past and present. We stand for a #FreePalestine.
Criminalization of the Palestinian struggle for rights and justice is not limited to the Israeli government. Police brutality over the past week in Hermannplatz, Rathaus Neukölln and Sonnenallee shows the Berlin state’s willingness to suppress
Palestinian voices of resistance to injustice, while the corona deniers and neo Nazis are laughing and shaking hands with the @polizeiberlin
Just like our comrades in @PalestinSpricht denounce antisemitism and make clear it has no space for it in the Palestine solidarity movement, we denounce anti-Palestinian racism.
We are proud to be part of the struggle. Our solidarity is stronger than the divide and conquer tactics by the nationalist and racist German and Israeli advocacy groups.
We call for the immediate stop of the massacre and violence in Palestine, for an end of the ongoing #Nakba73 and for the Right of Return. We know these are the essential conditions for a future in the region.
On 1st of May 2021, a demonstration organized by a migrant-led revolutionary left coalition took place in Berlin-Neukölln. It was the largest migrant-led International Worker's Day demonstration in years.
As the revolutionaere Bündnis behind it took form, bringing different migrant/minority groups of the city together, we, the @JewishBund saw it as a unique and invaluable opportunity to join the mobilization as a group working from a radical Jewish left tradition.
Historically May 1st events in Kreuzberg included unregistered demonstrations as one of their main junctures, this year's Revolutionäre 1 Mai demonstration was specifically registered with the authorities,
We are invoking our Bundist history, because the anti-capitalist and internationalist class struggle remains just as relevant today as it did in 1897. The Jewish Bund is one of many examples of a proud history of revolutionary Jewish socialist, feminist and anti-colonial politics
This radical tradition has shaped much of our Jewish history, wherever we were based: from Russia to Iraq, from Germany to Morocco, and in Palestine, too — be it the revolutionaries of Matzpen or the Mizrahi Black Panthers.
Wherever we live — is our homeland: our histories and lived experiences don’t exist simply to conform to the narratives and agendas of the nations and states we live in.
Der Bund ist zentraler Teil unserer Geschichte, auf die wir uns berufen, da der anikapitalistische und internationalistische Klassenkampf heute genauso aktuell ist wie damals, im Jahr 1897.
Der Bund ist eines von vielen Beispielen stolzer revolutionärer jüdischer Geschichte und ihrer sozialistischen, feministischen und antikolonialen politischen Praxis.
Diese radikale Tradition hat einen Großteil unserer jüdischen Geschichte geprägt, wo auch immer wir uns befanden: von Russland bis zum Irak von Deutschland bis Marokko und auch in Palästina - seien es die Revolutionäre von Matzpen oder die Mizrahi Black Panthers.