This piece has sparked a lot of comment, some of it very angry. Almost all the comments are answered in the body of the piece, but let me underscore one point here ...
The origin of the coronavirus - in a Chinese lab, in an animal - remains unsettled. It's important to resolve the question as best we can. The Chinese authorities have not been transparent - and that's itself a warning that something important may be buried here. 2/x
If the lab-theory proves true, the political consequences will be serious. There's a whole other article to be written gaming out what those consequences would be, but ... serious. 3/x
And since those consequences will be so serious, you want to be very *sure* before designing any plan of action. Very, very sure.
To date, however, US scientists and US intelligence remain deeply *unsure.* There's a long record of dangerous viruses originating naturally. 4/x
But there are people who are sure, fiercely and passionately sure.
For many of these people, the lab-theory fulfills a crucial psychological function: it allows them to absolve President Trump - and excuse themselves for supporting him. 5/x
Strictly logically, that makes no sense.
When the virus erupted, Trump lavishly praised the Chinese authorities. He wanted a trade deal. He wanted China to somehow incriminate Hunter Biden. At the crucial moments, it was *Trump* who covered for China. 6/x
And of course well before that, Trump had enabled Chinese bio-secrecy by winding down the US pandemic preparedness presence inside China. 7/x
As the disease raged out of control inside the US in March 2020, Trump turned to denial - and to arguments that economic reopening take priority over public health. The scientists who said otherwise became cultural enemies in the eyes of Trump world. 8/x
Which explains the weird phenomenon you'll see eg in my mentions on this piece: people who believe *both* that COVID is fake, the vaccines dangerous *and* that coronavirus was fabricated in a Chinese lab. The logically contradictory claims serve the same psychological end. 9/x
Hence also the strange mismatch: that a theory about the misconduct of the Chinese state invests so much of its energy in raging against US scientists. 10/x
Wouldn't you *want* US scientists to take care before endorsing so serious an accusation? I often hear people complain that the US Govt was too ready to believe WMD accusations against Iraq - then turn around to complain about excessive caution vs accusations against China. 11/x
But apparently, no, that's not how it seems to work. And so a story about a terrible question over the actions of China becomes an avenue to blame Dr Fauci for crimes against Trump. That's what I wrote about. I hope you'll read it. END
When the Obama White House in 2009 declined to take questions from Fox News reporters on the grounds that "Fox was not a news organization," the rest of the White House press gallery went to bat for Fox. EG:…
A decade later, the Fox affiliate in Florida is accepting exclusive media rights to coverage of taxpayer-funded state business from Governor Rick DeSantis. 2/x
The bend-over-backwards determination to recognize Fox as a legitimate news organization is never reciprocated by Fox itself, however. 3/x
Also for those interested, I have a tab on my website called "Second Thoughts" where I post articles I have written over the years explaining how and why I changed my mind on some issues.…
You may notice two gaps: climate change and guns. That's because on those two issues I did not change my mind. Beginning about 2004 w climate and after 2013 w guns, I just spoke more publicly about views I'd previously advocated more privately within the conservative church.
Carlson has some abusive personal comments about me 2/3 of the way through this complicated excuse and justification for the January 6 attack on the US Capitol. Anti-vax; pro-insurrection - quite a combo. As to the abuse, I'll say just this ... 1/x
I've known Carlson for more than 20 years. We were colleagues at the Weekly Standard in the 1990s, I appeared fairly often on his MSNBC show in the 2000s. We were "Washington friends" - we had lunch, he came to parties at my house, etc. 2/x
All this was during the period of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Carlson now proclaims his fierce opposition to both. But *when it mattered* - when his already influential voice could have made a difference to the national decision - he was a FEROCIOUS advocate of both wars. 3/x
By exaggerating the power of China, US policymakers risk harming this country by justifying protectionism and inflating the defense budget beyond reasonable levels. Trump added $100 billion / year in defense spending, most of it aimed at fighting China.…
"Buy American" will cost the US taxpayer another $100 billion a year.
That unnecessary $200 billion could buy a *lot* of more authentic usefulness: carbon reduction, road improvement, cheaper college tuition…
I get that Democratic administrations never want to argue, "The foreign threat of the moment - while real - is less terrifying than out-of-power Republicans say it is."
It's an incredible thing that a work of human scientific genius like the mRNA vaccine is regularly traduced by the liars and low-lifes who sell supplements.
More about supplements from 2009. Under the Trump administration, enforcement of supplement safety regulations became even more lax.…