1/7 Eye contact is one of the most underrated #communication tools in general conversations, but it’s importance is amplified by several magnitudes when trying to facilitate group #conversations during #debriefing.
2/7 Making and holding eye contact is a great way to invite #engagement in the conversation. Giving them the opportunity to opt in or out without placing them psychologically unsafe position created by verbally trying to engage them.
3/7 They may initially signal that they are not ready by closing their #bodylanguage Move on and engage others in group. Periodically check back (with eye contact). When they are ready they will signal that through opening their body language ready for you to invite their input
4/7 Eye contact or the breaking of it is an equally powerful tool to manage dominant characters to allow others to speak. Start by intermittently breaking eye contact with them whilst briefly making eye contact with others in the group to identify who may be ready to contribute
5/7 This starts sending nonverbal message to dominant that you would like others to speak. If no effect repeat with longer periods in breaking eye contact. If still not effective you can combine lack of eye contact with closing your body language towards them.
6/7 In extreme situations where combination of lack of eye contact and closed body language still not effective, make eye contact and say something like: “Thank you X those are some really good points. I want to give others opportunity to share their perspectives as well. “